Blue Forest Banshee by PlaidDragon
Part 9
Once arrived at the house, the dragon carried Duo up to his room. They were just laying Duo on his bed and the cat was pulling off his boots, when the door to the connecting bathroom opened. They looked up guiltily.
"What's going on here?" demanded Heero, eyeing them balefully.
"We were just bringing him home."
"We went out for a while."
Heero stepped closer to the bed. He was undressed enough, in blue silk lounging pants, to draw both pairs of eyes. He leaned over Duo, sniffing him briefly. Wound around the faint-but-always-present scent of Duo's pheromones, was a stronger, less pleasant smell.
"You got him drunk."
Not a question, of course, Heero's sense of smell was as good as theirs.
"We didn't do it deliberately."
"We didn't realise he wasn't used to alcohol."
"How many?"
They looked at each other.
"Two, I think."
"What kind?"
"Q's going to yell, isn't he?"
"Worry about me first. Q won't yell at you if you're dead. What was he drinking two of that made him unconscious?"
"Just shooters. He had two shooters."
"What. Kind."
"Hot sake. We're sorry, Heero --"
Heero rumbled deep in his throat. Sake shooters. Q wouldn't just yell, he would puff up and throw off tiny thunderclouds and lightning bolts. And then he would get angry.
"We didn't mean to let him pass out. We brought him home."
"Yeah. We could have taken him with us, but we wouldn't do somethi--"
"Go. Away. Now."
Heero slammed the door behind the retreating Weres, muttering dire curses and threats under his breath. Oh, yeah; Q was going to go zero when he found out.
The idea of covering for the Weres never entered his mind, just as it never entered theirs. They had done something wrong, they would accept the punishment. Of course, if they had managed to get Duo back and into bed without being noticed, no one would have been the wiser, and that would be that.
Heero glared at the door for a moment, then turned to Duo and began to undress him. Duo had no reaction, other than a sigh and a reflexive scratch when Heero pulled his jeans off, and snuggled contentedly into his pillow as Heero tucked the covers around him.
"Sleep well, Duo. If you can. See you in the morning."
He stroked his hand down Duo's braid, then laid it on the pillow above him, and returned to his own room.