Part Seventy-Nine: Mommie Darling
Great Dragons but he's adorable when he's confused!
And my Banshee was certainly confused. Not that I could blame him; I was fairly confused myself. I barely remember seeing my half-siblings just after my parents' deaths; there was a lot of crying, a lot of whispers... and a lot of hugs. I must have been all of six years old. And then they were gone. I'm not sure if I even knew, back then, who they were. I think I have memories of them being with me; I may even have memories of them being around before my parents died, but they haven't resurfaced yet.
But I remember them coming before I went away to school. It was something of an event, my departure, since it was rare for a Wyvern, or any Magical Creature for that matter, to be accepted at one of the schools of Wizardry. But they came, and I vaguely remember congratulations and smiles and proud, shining eyes. I never thought to ask where they had gone and why they had never come back. I wonder why not...
IchiBan said that I was very quiet for a long time after my parents died... I wouldn't think it possible that I could have just forgotten it all, but the mind works in odd ways sometimes, especially in its own defense. Maybe it was just easier for me to cope at that age by "forgetting'. IchiBan was always there, and Faiesa and several other adults who took care of me and saw to it that I grew up properly.
"Heero?" That question was filled with anxiety. He wants so much for my Clan to approve of him; I don't understand why he doesn't understand that *he* is beautiful, charming and talented and that people everywhere *want* to know him, to be a part of his life. People just plain adore him. It may be his pheromones, it may be his personality, it may be simple lust; it may be something I have no ability to even conceive of, but whatever it is, he is an absolute people-magnet.
Except in his own mind. Which, I suppose, just makes him that much more appealing.
I left off my solitary contemplations to wrap my angel in a hard hug, followed by a firm kiss.
" Wow," he exhaled when I let him breathe again. "You get really... giddy around your family, don't you?" It was said lightly, but I could feel the faint tremor of sorrow in him.
He wants the same thing from his own Clan; even as he knows it's unlikely he will ever have it. Duo and Wufei have a lot in common in that respect.
I snorted. "I am a Wyvern; I do not do "giddy'," I growled. He snorted a laugh back at me.
"Their fathers are really Dragons? The real, all-the-time kind of Dragons?"
"Yes, real all-the-time Dragons. My mother's father is a Dragon also. Giniro had three children, all by Dragons, or rather by the same Dragon."
He wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed himself against me from shoulders to knees. "You're a really Dragonish Wyvern then, aren't you?"
"You could say that," I smiled against his soft hair.
"That's why it was extra important for you to have children, right?"
"Um... Ye~es..." For a moment, it seemed like he might be upset, but then he kissed my cheek lightly.
"You're a good Wyvern, Heero. No wonder Giniro is so proud of you. No wonder your whole Clan is proud of you."
Something tightened inside of me and before I had time to examine it, my mouth was moving, dropping words without regard to my brain. "I'd trade every bit of that to hear you tell me that you love me," I whispered.
He leaned back with a sharp intake of breath. "Oh, no Heero... Don't say that; your Clan is your *family*. I'm just... just..."
"The Banshee I love," I finished huskily. "I love you, Duo of Blue Forest; I love you now and forever. You are my Chosen. But I won't push; I promised I'd let you take your time."
His eyes were huge, pansy purple and just as velvety. For a brief moment, I could feel his affection, his love for me, a living, breathing, expanding universe of love... But then he seemed to pull everything back into a tight ball, the better to protect his fragile heart.
My heart is fragile also, but it has never been broken the way his has. He asked to come at this in his own time, and I would keep my word to let him.
I took his hand and drew him along after me and we walked, sometimes silently, sometimes talking about my Clan and the sights, for over an hour. We even walked down the road to the town that is under our protection.
The people there know me, as they know all of us from the Clan, and I exchanged greetings with a number of people. I plucked some Yen from my other-space to buy sodas in a small shop and the proprietress slid her glasses down to peer over them at Duo.
"This is the excitement, eh? A Euro Wyvern?" she remarked as she looked him up and down.
"This is Duo, my Chosen, Tenshu-San. He's not a Dragon; he's a Banshee."
"Ah!" She clapped her hands delightedly. "Like Tori! Oh, my! I remember when Nikko brought him the first time! He was so bright! Like sunshine walking!" She leaned a bit in my direction. "He was the first yoroppajin I'd ever seen," she confided. "All of the girls in town had a crush on him, and half the boys as well!" she laughed. We were speaking Japanese, of which Duo has only a few words, so I translated quickly and was rewarded when he blushed pinkly. He smiled for her and produced a bright purple flower which he offered to her with a magician's flourish. Clearly, the town would also approve of my Chosen.
We walked back to the Clan-hold after that. Kohaku would probably be early; the female has never been late a moment in her life. I steered Duo back to the sun catchers and we climbed up to relax on the warm rocks.
Duo lay beside me, eyes closed, chuckling occasionally to himself. He gets a kick out of the lizard motif, I think.
At ten minutes before the appointed hour, I felt the first shimmer of outsiders. They were not near enough to see yet; just barely entering our territory.
Wyverns give off a kind of signal to each other when in proximity, mostly instinctive; a sort of "here I am; I'm one of you' beacon. When flying over or near another Clan's territory this serves as notice of benign intent. I imagine it as being similar to the signals that Human aircraft send out, but with more subtle content. A stranger flying into our territory with no evil intent does not want to precipitate a confrontation, so he "broadcasts' a call that means approximately "I am coming; I intend to land'. Within visual range an unknown or unexpected Wyvern will be scoped by one of the sentries and escorted to the IchiBan upon landing.
In Kohaku's case, the sentry will simply acknowledge that she has been seen and approved, because this is her home Clan and she is well-known, and because she is expected. If Kiba were flying alone, and expected, he would be approached, but not challenged, because he is also known to the Clan.
I'm told that our system is remarkably like that of the air traffic controls of Human air transport. They probably got the idea from us.
"They're coming," I murmured to my Banshee and he sat up quickly.
"Oh geez..." he muttered. "You know, Heero, it's a good thing I'm getting all these introductions out of the way at once, because if I had to do this over several days, you'd be hauling home a puddle of goo!"
I laughed. "Do not be absurd, Banshee! You have been the personification of poise!"
"It's an act," he insisted as I pulled him to his feet. "Smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand."
I growled and pulled him in front of me where I could wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder. "Then you are the world's best magician," I whispered in that lovely ear, "and I love you even more." That served to shut him up and I licked his earlobe as he did that remarkable chameleon trick.
Have I ever mentioned how much I enjoy that blush? It reaches from his hairline to his damn toes; he is the only person I've ever known who could do a full-body blush, and I love to follow its progress.
He closed his hands over mine, lacing his fingers with mine and leaning back into my embrace.
"Do the children know about me?" he asked suddenly.
"Yes. Well, Tsutsuji knows, Komori is a little young to understand yet. Don't worry," I reassured him, knowing where his thoughts were heading. "Kohaku says Tsutsuji is very excited to meet you."
"Oh, god...!" he moaned and I laughed again. He's not really as nervous as he thinks he is, in my opinion. He was the same way before going on-stage for that play last fall. I think it's one of his coping mechanisms, learned for the Human world; he observes what others are saying and doing, and tries to do the same so as to fit in, to blend and not attract attention. It's become automatic for him after so many years, but I am learning to notice the signs.
"There they are," I murmured when I spotted the tiny speck.
Duo whined piteously. "I don't suppose I could bribe you with hot, wild sex to forget this whole thing?"
"Nope," I returned firmly. "Too late now."
"Aw, crap."
The speck grew and I picked up the sense of Kohaku.
Kohaku and I grew up together; we are only a few weeks apart in age. Her parents were Chosen, as mine had been, and they were exceptionally kind to me after my parents' deaths. I expect that many people were surprised when we decided to have our duty children together, but not to Choose each other. They shouldn't have been, but sometimes even Wyverns can be woefully unobservant. Kohaku knew almost as soon as I did that females would never figure prominently in my personal life. Having grown up in each other's pockets, she knew all my secrets, all my quirks, all my annoying little mannerisms, and had no desire to even attempt to live with them.
This was fine with me, as I knew her inside and out as well.
Still, though, there is a great and abiding affection between us, made even deeper by our shared children. She was one of the first people I called when I realised that something was happening between me and Duo. I didn't have to tell her a thing; she took one look at my face in the fire of the brazier and just knew. Much as I've tried to erase it from my memory, I can still hear her delighted squeal. She has hounded me ever since, demanding to know when she would be allowed to meet my delectable Banshee. I really don't know why I waited so long. Maybe a perverse need to keep her in the dark, maybe just a deeply-buried fear that Duo would not find my Clan... well; approachable.
Duo seemed to be faring just fine with my Clan, so I had no doubts about this meeting with Kohaku.
I could now sense Kohaku, Tsutsuji and Komori, as well as the not quite as familiar presence of Kiba.
Kohaku is as adventurous as I am; she was working in the north of Japan when she met Kiba. It was, as they say, love at first sight. Kiba is an amber monochrome Wyvern; by that I mean that his eyes, his hair, his skin and his scales are the same color, with his crest being only a few shades darker. Most Wyverns are of the multi-hued variety - witness my own self - but a few rare individuals manage to achieve the single color. It can be striking or intriguing or just plain strange, depending on what color it happens to be, but it always gets noticed.
Kohaku and I are considered "plain' Wyverns, because we can blend easily into Human populations. We both have dark hair and blue eyes, though her hair is a deep blue where mine tends more toward green, and we are both fair-skinned; she a more cream shade while I am more golden. My eyes are dark blue, variously cobalt, midnight or Prussian, depending upon my mood. Her eyes are lighter, more in the range of royal or sapphire. In our Dragon forms we are very different. My scales are an ombre' medley of steel blue shades, with a neon green and yellow crest; she is a mottled blue-green with a lighter blue and pale green crest. All in all, Kohaku is a very pretty Wyvern; I was not surprised when she began attracting the attention of males from Clan Torii to Tokyo.
She was under no obligation to ask my approval of Kiba as her Chosen, but she did anyway. We have met, and I have seen his intentions toward Kohaku, as well as his relaxed affection toward the children. He is, as the Humans say, "good with children,' much as I was when I was young. I seem to have grown more stern with age, more exacting in my expectations, while he has not. Perhaps a consequence of dealing more often with large, rowdy groups of Human children at the school. It is no great chore to set that aside when I am at the Clanhold or with my own children, so perhaps the perception is in my own mind. Duo also seems to think that I am "good with children.'
In any case, I approve of Kiba as a suitable Chosen for my cousin and parent to my children. And if he can beat me at basketball, well, no big deal.
We must have some weird yin-yang thing going on, because just when I start getting myself back together, Heero starts freaking out.
As soon as the approaching Wyverns came into visual range, Heero seemed to turn to stone. That's the only way I can describe it; he went absolutely still and I swear I felt him radiating ice. I couldn't see his face, standing in front of him as I was, and I was damn glad. That glare of his could melt titanium.
Clearly, something was not as it should be. Not necessarily wrong, because he made no move to change or to leave me; maybe just... strange.
Soon, I could discern three winged figures approaching at a leisurely pace. Maybe that's what was getting to Heero; they were traveling considerably slower than seemed usual.
They began to descend, one now moving much faster than the others. That one dropped like a stone toward the ground. If I hadn't already figured out the suicidal pigeon thing, it would have scared me to see it fall so fast. It landed a good five seconds ahead of the others, spun around and held out its arms.
And Heero made a noise I've never heard from him before. He let go of me and threw himself off the rock. He hit the ground running, roaring out... something in the Wyvern language.
The other two Wyverns came in together, the smaller aiming for the up-raised arms of the one already on the ground.
Okay, call me a crazy Banshee, but it looked like the bigger Wyvern, a really elegant reddish-gold thing, was prepared to catch the smaller one. The notion "first landing' popped into my head. Heero was almost there when the small Wyvern, a mottled emerald and ultramarine creature, pulled a neat stall and landed lightly on both feet, wings tucking back at the same instant. I think in gymnastics it would be described as "sticking the landing.' It was elegant, gracefully done and simply oozed of confidence.
My mind went "click' then, and I realised that the little Wyvern must be Heero's daughter, Tsutsuji. That meant that the other two were Kohaku and Kiba. I figured it out about the same instant that Heero swept the little female up in his arms, swinging her around in a hard hug.
The adults changed form then, and I saw that the amber Wyvern was Kiba and the blue-green adult was Kohaku. In her arms, tucked into a sort of sling carrier, was Komori.
Heero was still louder than I've ever heard him when he wasn't homicidally angry. The little Wyvern didn't seem to mind, squealing and giggling and hanging onto him in delight. Kohaku poked at Heero a couple of times and finally he set Tsutsuji down. I couldn't hear what they were saying; it was all in Wyvern anyway, but the body language and gestures weren't hard to follow. All three adults stepped back. For a moment, nothing happened; then the little Dragon began slowly to change into a cute little thing with pink hair and a big grin. Heero scooped her up again for another hug before finally giving his attention to the adults and Komori.
I hunkered down on the rock, arms wrapped around my knees, to watch the reunion. It didn't tweak anything in me; I didn't feel slighted or ignored in any way. This was absolutely right, that Heero should put his children first. I couldn't help feeling ashamed of myself for accusing him of not caring about them back on that beach. Maybe I hadn't known all the facts, but I knew Heero. It was just ridiculous to think that he would ever fail to care for what is his. Watching him now, it was perfectly obvious that these kids would never want for their father's love.
Komori was perched on Heero's hip and Tsutsuji clung to his other side like a little limpet while he talked to Kohaku and Kiba. I got the idea that Tsutsuji's neat landing was something of a shock to Heero. He kept shaking his head the way that people do when they can hardly believe their eyes.
He'd get around to introducing me eventually; I was in no hurry. It was fun to watch the interaction.
I won't go so far as to say that Heero is a different guy around his family and his Clan; he's just more himself. All the little quirks and habits he has seem to be more in focus here. Maybe it's the reflection from so many other Wyverns. Whatever it is, I like it.
He's my Dragon, after all.
Soon enough heads turned my direction. I stood up and used the "dusting off my butt' gesture to wipe my hands. I hadn't realised how damp my palms were. Of course, they probably hadn't been damp before I became the focus of attention, but what can you do?
The little group flowed my way and I was able to study the adults and children a bit.
Kohaku is cuter than I expected. I don't mean I expected her to be... well, unattractive, but I guess the elegance and striking looks of the IchiBan and Faiesa had me leaning towards "handsome' as opposed to "beautiful'. Both of the older females are attractive in that regal manner that only a few manage so well. Kohaku is... cute. Not bad cute, just unexpected cute. Her hair is dark; at first glance I thought it was that "so black its blue' color that some Humans have, but as they got closer and the sunlight played over that gleaming cap, I realised that it was actually and truly blue. It's short; kind of a fluffy Audrey Hepburn style. Her eyes are blue, too; with a sparkle that made me think of a visual giggle. Clear, creamy skin; she doesn't look like she's ever had a tan. Cute little nose, a mouth that seems bigger than it is because it's constantly moving. Cute. Not the sort of female to ever be beautiful, but cute and warm and maybe one day, when she's all grown up, pretty.
Kiba is one helluva handsome guy. I know; why do I care? I don't really; he's just kind of... mesmerizing. He's the same coloring in his human form as in his Dragon form; that smooth, reddish-gold... Amber? Is that the word I'm looking for? I think so... His skin is amber, his hair is amber, his eyes - whoa, killer eyes - are amber. His hair is longer than Heero's, about shoulder blade-length, and he has it pulled back into a tight ponytail, similar to Wufei. He's a little taller than Heero, and a little broader, but he doesn't seem to take up as much space as Heero does.
Just a minor aside here... Magical Creatures don't have "auras' the way Humans do; we have a "presence' instead. It's a kind of radiation of our power. Strong Creatures have large presences. Weaker Creatures has smaller presences. Heero just exudes this massive "presence' that makes him seem so much larger. Neither of the other Wyverns had a presence to compete with Heero's.
Tsutsuji is a cute little thing; it's hard to tell who she more closely resembles with that pink hair overshadowing everything else. It's not as bright as Tulip's fuchsia, but neither is it as pastel as that boring color that Wufei's fiancé seems to favor. Tsutsuji's pink is dark and rich like fresh raspberries; it has a delicious blue base to it. And her eyes are brilliant green! I know those eyes! Heero's father's eyes; Banshee eyes!
That recognition stopped me cold for a few seconds; I had an almost overwhelming urge to cry at the thought of Tori of Bellweaver living yet again in this tiny little Dragon-girl. Damn! Where did that come from?
And that little punch in the memory distracted me from taking a good look at Komori, because they had arrived at my rock. Heero was still holding his son, but he reached up to offer me a hand - again that protective thing - and I hopped down to join them.
Heero began to introduce me, but Komori suddenly broke out in a furious babble and leaned almost perpendicular in an effort to reach me. Automatically, I caught him, and he just flowed right to me. All at once, I had an arm-load of baby Wyvern. Kohaku said something; Kiba laughed; Heero snorted. And Komori snuggled down like he planned to stay.
I must have looked... startled. And as soon as I realized that, my face lit off with a blush that could probably be felt ten meters away. Next to me, a little hand was worming its way into mine. I looked down to find Tsutsuji looking up at me with the same grin she'd had for Heero.
I looked at Heero. He wrapped his arms around me, laughing.
"Hn. It seems introductions aren't really necessary, but let's give it a try. Kohaku, Kiba; Duo, my Chosen. Duo; Kohaku and Kiba. And you've already met Tsutsuji and Komori," he said dryly.
"Um..." I waggled my fingers since I couldn't do anything else with the little Wyvern wrapped around me. "Hi. Nice to meet you."
Kiba bowed, grinning broadly. Kohaku just laughed and reached out to hug me.
"Oh, you are a darling!" she crowed. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "You've made Heero so happy..." she murmured.
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. She smirked at me and gave a tug on my bangs. "You'll get used to us."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" I blurted out.
"Both!" she laughed.
Behind me, Heero growled, but there was a smile in it. "Stop that; if you scare him off, I'll have to hurt you."
Kohaku examined me judiciously. "Hn... I don't think so... I don't think much of anything will scare this one off. Welcome to the Clan, Duo; I think you'll fit right in."
"I hope so," I managed lamely.
Heero informed them of the luncheon summons and we headed back toward the houses. Kohaku walked next to Heero, giving him a rapid update of her life. Tsutsuji skipped along between Heero and I, and I still had Komori curled in my arms; Kiba ambled along at my side.
"I understand you're an American Banshee," said the amber Wyvern.
I blinked. "Huh. I guess I am; never thought of it quite that way."
"No?" He turned a curious glance my way. "How do you describe yourself?"
I shrugged, hitching Komori a bit higher in my arms. He'd discovered my braid; he had the end bundled up in his arms. Zephyrus was right; the kid looks just like Heero, right down to the green hair and blue eyes. And the serious amount of glare.
"I'm just a Banshee. I've never thought of myself as having a nationality. But I guess I do," I continued thoughtfully. "I'm probably way different from the Banshees of Ireland." I wondered if Teal ever felt out of place with his mother's Clan. Huh; something to think about sometime.
Kiba grinned. "Well, meeting you is almost enough to make me wish I'd visited Ireland."
I gaped at him. Holy shit! Was Kiba *hitting* on me?
He laughed then; a deep, rich, rolling laugh. Kohaku leaned back and shook a finger at him.
"Kiba! Do not tease the Banshee! He could make chop suey out of you with his voice." He ducked his head with a snicker. "Don't mind him, Duo; he's a joker." She returned her attention to Heero. My Wyvern smirked at me and winked. Ah. Apparently this was a common theme. Okay; I can handle that.
"Hey, I've got a cousin who's hot," I said slyly. "Tall, blond, green eyes."
Kiba blinked at me. A soft rumble came from my other side. "I believe I'll pass," Kiba said quickly. Heero snorted.
I guess I'd forgotten that Faiesa wasn't at breakfast; she didn't have all the answers to all the questions about me. And she wasn't interested so much in what I knew as what I didn't know.
Faiesa questioned me pretty thoroughly, though never rudely, about my father. I managed to get through that inquisition without lying but also without actually giving out much information. I just stuck to the literal truth, which was that I really didn't *know* what or who my father was. I had plenty of theories and tons of speculation, but no concrete, absolutely positive facts. I kind of got the feeling that she knew what I was doing, and let me get away with it only on Heero's account.
I was feeling more than a little put-upon by the time she finished. I don't like thinking about my father too much. I have way too many questions and no idea where or how to find the answers, and I don't care much for those sorts of unsolved mysteries.
But finally the conversation turned to Kohaku, and she chattered on about her life in Kiba's Clan. I have to confess that I missed most of it. Faiesa's questioning left a slightly bitter taste in my mouth. I guess I had expected the same unconditional acceptance that I'd gotten from the IchiBan; it felt a little unfair that Heero's great-aunt seemed almost suspicious of me.
I was attempting to keep up three different conversations with my children and Kohaku when I realised that Duo had gotten... quiet. His conversation with Faiesa had finished, but he sat silently, fingers aimlessly worrying a corner of the cloth napkin. And he wasn't eating, just staring at his plate.
My Banshee was upset. Given my great-aunt's propensity for autocratic behavior, I leapt to the obvious conclusion.
I untangled myself gently from my children and stood up, reaching for Duo's hand.
"Come with me," I said quietly, pulling him to his feet. He said nothing, but the relief was clear in his eyes. I led him outside and into the garden a good distance from the house before turning to take him in my arms. "What is wrong? What has she said to make you so quiet?" Given that he had allowed me to arbitrarily drag him out of the house without a single protest, I knew something was bothering him.
"Nothing," he whispered, and I just managed to contain my disbelieving snort. "I just don't know how to answer her... She wants to know about my father... And even when I've said I know nothing about him, she keeps coming back to it. Like... like she's trying to... to catch me lying." He blew out a great sigh, fluttering his bangs. "Even Giniro didn't make such a big deal of it."
"Faiesa is the chief of Clan Security; she tends to err on the side of caution. Although, sometimes she forgets that not every question has an answer. Or rather, that not every question has an answer that she is entitled to," I murmured. "I will speak to her."
He rested his forehead against my shoulder, sighing again. "I should have asked Teal for more information... But I hardly ever think about it now... I'm so used to... just not knowing. It threw me a little, I guess..."
"I will see that there are no more of those questions," I promised. It bothered him a great deal more than he admitted; there were no declarations that he could fight his own battles.
My Banshee is a fiercely independent creature, but there are times when even he needs to lean. They don't happen often; even after that odd occurrence in Indianapolis he refused to lean. Being what I am, I took a very guilty pleasure in supporting him after his aunt's death. To have this moment now is, for me, a gift of sorts. I have to remind myself that his strength is one of the things I love about him.
He looked up at me with a determinedly bright smile. "I should get used to her direct approach, shouldn't I?"
"Well... You should always assume that she will go for the jugular. The only one in the Clan tougher than Faiesa in Giniro."
He licked his index finger and pantomimed making a mark in midair. "Check. "Faiesa one; Banshee zero.'"
I chuckled and rocked him back and forth in my arms. "I think it's closer to even. You didn't get mad, and I can tell that she's impressed with you. Maybe you should give some thought to just explaining your background."
He didn't say anything for a moment and I didn't push.
"Did she like your father?"
"Hmm..." I had to stop and think about that one. I have never heard otherwise, but then, I might not, given the Clan's sense of loyalty to Giniro and to my mother. "I don't think she was as spell-bound as Giniro apparently was, but I really don't know for sure. Maybe I'll ask her."
"Oh, crap!" he cried, horrified. "Don't do that, Heero! It's not that important!"
"No," I said feeling both sly and contentious; "I want to know. Don't worry; I won't do it now, but I will do it."
He rolled his eyes in theatrical despair, but allowed me to lead him back to the house.
Below the level of the table, Heero's hand sought mine, fingers lacing together for a reassuring squeeze. I looked up to find him watching me intently. I know he read every chaotic thought in my head. I wanted him to defend me; I didn't want to precipitate a scene; I wanted his family to like me; I didn't want to have to empty my soul to accomplish that. At that moment, I was something of an emotional pretzel. Without salt. He turned back to the table and reeled off a long string of Wyvern.
Faiesa gave me an intense look, and the flush just exploded over me. I thought for a moment she was going to be angry, but instead she said softly, "Forgive me, Banshee. Sometimes my curiosity is... inappropriate. I did not intend to offend you."
It took some concentration to get my mouth moving. "'So'kay..." I muttered in embarrassment. "I just don't know much about my father; all I've ever heard are rumors and half-truths. I hate to... to say something that turns out later to not be true..."
"I understand," she said gently. "I was not aware of your unique situation."
My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I turned on Heero, fully ready to rip *his* heart out. My god! What had he said to her?!
But Faiesa intervened before I could commit Wyvernicide.
"Heero only said that your father was not a Banshee, and that his information died with your mother. True?" she murmured, eyeing me over the rim of her teacup.
Technically, yes...
I nodded silently. I had not forgotten that Kohaku and Kiba were with us, listening to all this. I was suddenly anxious that Kohaku not have questions about my fitness to spend time with her children.
"I was never able to get any information from my aunt. I think maybe my mother never told her very much about him..." I looked down at my hands, wondering how I could go this long without being more curious. Surely that was some kind of flaw in me; that I mostly didn't really care what my father was or was not. He wasn't a Banshee or an Elf or a Human or anything else that I could name; did it even matter anymore? And no, I was not going to offer up the general opinion that I was the son of Death. I didn't think that would go very far to cement their regard of me.
As if reading my thoughts, Heero said quietly, "He is my Chosen, Faiesa; there is no evil in him."
I blinked at him, and he smiled at me; that warm, heartfelt smile that he gives to no one else. I just wanted to throw myself into his arms.
"You are right, Heero," said the elder Wyvern. "There is not a drop of evil in this one, though there be many other things."
I blinked at Faiesa. She smiled and gave me a slow wink. And all the anxiety, all the fear of her rejection just flowed right out of me. She didn't hate me!
With that, Faiesa uncoiled from her position across from me. "If you children will excuse me, I have a rather boring meeting to chair."
Like the good children we were, we all rose and took our leave in a very anticlimactic fashion.
It wasn't until we were all outside and Heero was hugging his children again, that I realised that Kohaku and Kiba were preparing to leave us.
Kohaku came and gave me a hug. "Don't let the mean old dragon-lady scare you, Duo," she directed lightly. "Faiesa's a first-rate judge of people. If she says there's no evil in you, then there is none. Whatever your father was doesn't matter to me; he isn't here and you are." I hugged her back, appreciating what she was saying; that she would trust me with her children on the basis of Faiesa's opinion and Heero's love. "We're going to my parents' house now - the kids really need a nap - but I think we're having dinner with the IchiBan tonight. Would you like to see my pictures of Heero as a kid?"
I goggled - no other word describes it. "Oh my god; yes!" I cried.
"Good; I'll bring the albums!"
"Dammit, Kohaku -" began my Wyvern, but she patted his cheek with a smirk.
"Too late, cousin; already offered and accepted! Later then!"
And then we were alone again. I looked at Heero and he looked at me.
"So, what other entertainment did you have planned?" I asked brightly.
He took my hand with a grin. "Let's take a walk and see what presents itself, shall we?"
Well, now... That left quite a lot of options open.
Dinner that evening was expectedly surreal. I will not go into the indecent amount of laughter provoked by Kohaku's photo albums; suffice to say that many memories were brought back and I found once again that I am not immune to incendiary blushes.
As far as Duo's presentation of presents... Well, many of the details escape me, probably for very good reasons, but you may have the high points.
I tried again before dinner to tell Duo that he needn't offer gifts, and he told me again to suck it up; he was presenting gifts whether I liked it or not.
Truth be told, I was getting curious to see what he had tucked away in that bag. I was not allowed to see what he was making during the weeks of frantic knitting, or the hours of desperate beading, so there was a certain irritation in my manner. There were gifts for both children, as well as for Giniro and Kohaku and I had a feeling that Kiba had not been forgotten.
I had even caught him making notes in our room, planning for future projects for Faiesa and Rigel. If I wasn't careful the entire Clan could be sporting Banshee creations by the end of the year.
But dinner was now finished. New photos had been taken, adding Duo to Kohaku's collection. My children had been appropriately spoiled by their Great-Grandmother. Tsutsuji was puffed up like a little toad over her new ability to change form; she kept morphing from one to the other until her mother threatened her with no dessert for a week if she didn't stop.
Duo excused himself from the table with the admonition that no one was to go anywhere. My grandmother raised one eyebrow at me; I leaned across the table to hiss, "Gifts. He made gifts for all of you. Be nice to him."
Giniro snorted. "As if I could be anything but!"
"He didn't have to do that!" cried Kohaku, already checking her camera.
"I know that," I smirked, "but he did it anyway."
"Well, what did he bring?" my cousin demanded, as eager as any five-year-old.
"No idea. He wouldn't let me see."
And then he was back with his bottomless bag, nervously passing out brightly-wrapped packages.
The children had no qualms about ripping open the boxes and they did so with alacrity.
"IchiBan, you do still have domestic help?" I asked as paper flew everywhere.
"Of course," she laughed.
We all stared at the children's presents. Somehow, Duo had managed to slide the two plush toys under my radar. I didn't know he could sew.
Tsutsuji squealed with delight and hugged the startlingly life-like dragon toy. Then she ran around the table and hugged Duo and kissed his cheek. His face did some interesting things, but I didn't stare; that would only embarrass him even more. Komori poked at his dragon, glaring. He turned it over and over, looked at it from several angles, then looked at me.
"Doesn't move," he growled.
I couldn't suppress a snort. "Not supposed to," I replied. "It is to stimulate your own imagination." No, I do not talk baby talk to my children. My son considered that for a moment, then he nodded emphatically. He paced over to Duo, who looked a little worried, not having followed the conversation, and bowed formally.
"Domo arigato," he pronounced carefully in Japanese. I made a mental note to myself to ask Kohaku to begin teaching the children English.
Duo smiled, blushing. "You're welcome..."
Only then did Komori reach out to give him a one-armed hug. Sometimes my son is remarkably... mature... in his behaviors. I noticed that that hand also strayed to touch Duo's braid as well. Hm... Like father, like son, apparently.
I thought for sure that Duo was going to give off smoke; he turned so red so quickly. He wrapped both arms around Komori for a brief hard squeeze.
The other adults laughed, and Kohaku got to her feet. "Come on now; you guys come play in the other room until bedtime." She herded them out. She was back a few minutes later, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Those are gorgeous, Duo! Did you really make them?"
"Um... Yeah... I saw some in a magazine and used that as a starting point. In different colors, of course."
"Well, they're just super! So original!"
"I'm glad they like them," he murmured. "It's been a long time since I was around kids that age; I was kind of guessing at what they would like."
"Well, you guessed right, Banshee!"
"Open yours," I suggested before Duo could spontaneously combust.
She ripped eagerly into the small box and gasped with delight. "Oh Dragons!" she cried holding up the choker. "Oh, it's beautiful! I love these colors!" She fitted it around her neck. "It's perfect! You really made this?"
Since Duo was almost speechless with embarrassment, I jumped in. "Of course he made it! My Banshee is a creature of many talents!"
"Oh, I already know that," she said slyly. "I just didn't know that Tiffany-quality beading was one of them."
Duo was hiding behind his hands and didn't see her swoop up beside him and give him a bear hug. If I thought he was embarrassed before...
In the meantime, Kiba had opened his package with no fanfare.
"Wow!" he exclaimed, holding up the long scarf. "Duo, this is great!" He wrapped it around his neck. "It's so soft I can barely feel it. How did you know to make this?" he wondered, echoing my own thoughts.
Duo shrugged. "Heero said your Clan is in the north, so I figured maybe it was colder there..."
I blinked. Did every word I uttered go straight into some creative database in my Banshee's head? I need to enquire as to just how he does that.
The scarf did look very soft, almost velvety, and the colors were perfect for Kiba, being an assortment of reds, pinks and oranges. How does he do that? How does he always manage to create something that is perfect for the intended recipient? Is that a part of Banshee magic?
The IchiBan did not go to Duo; instead she crooked a finger at him and he went to her, kneeling at her side as she opened the box. Her gift appeared to be a sweater with some sort of pattern knitted into it. I couldn't see what it was from my angle, but Kohaku could.
"Oh, Heero!" she gasped. "It's your parents! And you!"
I leaned, trying to get a better look and Giniro obliged us all by laying it out on the table. Kohaku was right. The pattern was a picture, or rather three pictures. On the back, a portrait of my parents, copied from the photo that hangs in my room at the Castle. On the fronts, pictures of me; one in my human form, the other in my Wyvern form. On the sleeves were the Wyvern characters for family and eternity. The stitches were tiny, the detail stunning; I couldn't even imagine the effort that had gone into creating that wearable canvas. And in such a short time... My god; when had he slept?
I stared at it. I stared at Duo. He stared at Giniro waiting for her reaction. Her reaction was... tears. I swear I thought I heard the world crack in two. Giniro, the IchiBan, my Sobo, does not cry. Never. But she was touching that fabulous garment, fingers caressing the intricate stitches, and tears were streaming down her face.
Duo... Duo looked... like he wished he could take back the whole thing.
And then she was pulling him down beside her, hugging him and sobbing - *sobbing!* - on his shoulder. The rest of us were just... stunned.
"It's beautiful!" she wept. "Duo, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"
Duo's purple eyes were misting over in spite of his obvious efforts to stop it. "It's okay... that I did that?" he whispered.
"Yes!" she replied fiercely and kissed his forehead. She stood up and swept the sweater around her, modeling it for all of us. It was styled like a kimono with little shaping; three long rectangles for the back and fronts and the traditional long sleeves, but instead of wrapping, it closed with three small frogs at the neck. The background color was a delicate silver grey with ice-blue braided edging; the portraits were in full color. My mother's bright green hair, short and spiky, her deep blue eyes... My father's sunshine-yellow hair with the unruly bangs and the long pony tail hanging over one shoulder, his laughing emerald eyes... Hands clasped, each of them kissing the other's hand... The picture was taken the day they formally exchanged bands. The equivalent of their wedding day...
I had to close my eyes; at some point I found myself with my head hidden in my crossed arms on the table. I think I had been crying. During that time, Giniro had wrapped herself around my Banshee and he was hanging onto her as if she was the only solid thing in the universe. And I remembered how much he missed the mother he'd never known; how much he missed his aunt. And I think I began to understand some of his anxiety.
I won't go any further into the emotional scene.
Eventually everything was sorted out. Duo was officially adopted as a member of my Clan, and my grandmother let me know in no uncertain terms that if I ever made the Banshee unhappy, I would answer to her personally.
We made it back to our room after a minimal amount of goodbye hugs, tears and protestations. And photos. Oh, Dragons did Kohaku take photos! That female could make you insane with her clicking shutter.
Duo wilted the moment he walked through the door. He began pulling off clothing immediately, expressing the need - no; the *need* of a shower and sleep. Ordinarily, I would have gone with, but I felt that he needed also a bit of time alone with his own thoughts, so I pointed him toward the shower room and busied myself with tidying the clutter from our otherspaces.
He came back washed, scrubbed and glowing, all soft-eyed and contented, and I congratulated myself on my decision to give him time alone. Sometimes, I do forget that he doesn't need me with him every minute of every day and that he has reconstruction and relaxation rituals that are none of my business. Doesn't change the fact that I miss him, but at least I'm not smothering him. I hope.
Of course, he came back wearing that skoor, and that gave my oversexed mind something else to think about...
But no; he was tired, worn out from the trip, the time change, all the attention from strangers and his need to please. We had already played this afternoon, and even though I can never get enough of him, whining and begging is never pretty.
He stood in front of the open door, gazing out at the garden as he combed out his damp hair.
"It's beautiful here, Heero," he murmured, "so quiet and serene. And the people are nice..." He turned those glowing eyes my way. "You have a wonderful family."
For some reason, I felt compelled to downplay their perfection. "They aren't any different from anyone else, Duo. We argue and fight like any other Clan, and we don't all get along all the time. There are those I like more than others, and some I am merely polite to. Wufei sneeringly refers to me as the "favored son', but I'm not. It's more about my parents and my Dragon ancestors than me. Some people are proud of me and my accomplishments; yes, but others think I've "gone native', for choosing to live and work among Magical Humans. My mother was the same way; some in the Clan were shocked when she chose to live her life in the outside world, but others understood her independence. She was a Dragon-child; they cut her a lot of slack because of that. And she gave the Clan two more Dragon-children." I thought about that and how the IchiBan had expressed it to me some months back. "Nikko had a lot of good karma built up within the Clan; I am reaping the benefits of that good will."
Duo stepped close to me, smiling softly. "You know what, Heero? You think too much. Is it too late to go outside? I want to see the garden in the moonlight..."
I blinked. Hm. My mouth had gotten away from me. And the garden was very enticing in the silvery glow of the almost-full moon.
"Whatever you like, angel," I breathed. He took my hand and drew me after him; across the deck and down the steps to the path. He headed toward the koi pond.
"I heard the fish this morning," he whispered out of deference for the lateness of the hour. "But it was all colors and concepts. I wanted to see if I could actually speak with them. Some of them are really old, aren't they?"
Trust my Banshee to be interested in the thoughts of carp.
"I expect so; they are all older than I am. They have always been here, swimming lazy circles and bubbling at us when we stop to watch them, expecting food but never begging. The big black and silver one has always been my favorite..."
Hm... And here I was talking about talking to fish...
The koi, sensible creatures that they are, were asleep in the deep parts of the pond, but Duo leaned on the railing anyway and peered into the depths.
"They talk in their sleep," he whispered. "I'm getting all sorts of whispers about food and sunlight and warmth." He paused, tilting his head curiously. "How funny... They talk about sunlight and sunshine as if those were two different things..."
My throat tightened and I brushed at a lock of his shining hair. Sunlight... That was my mother's name, translated literally from Japanese... And "sunshine walking' was how my father was described by everyone who knew him...
Great Dragons... Even the *fish*...
"My parents," I whispered, and he looked up at me. It took him a few seconds, but I had mentioned those things to him at some point, and true to his database he remembered.
"Oh, Heero... Even the fish remember them..." he whispered.
I thought for a startled moment that I was going to break down in tears, but then he was there; pressed against me, his warmth an anchor for my sudden emotional dislocation, his bright eyes dark with concern and... and more...
Fingers wormed their way into mine and through that connection I felt the emotion, the river of love, rush over me. It literally took my breath away. I bent my head against his shoulder with a whimper and he rubbed his head against mine. "Heero..." he breathed and I shuddered. His feather-soft voice caressed my rock-like dragon soul and I wrapped my free arm around him, crushing him to me. "I love you, Duo," I whispered. "I *love* you." And he was holding me as tightly as I held him, but silently, with no return of sentiment. And I suddenly didn't care if I ever heard the actual words from his lips; his body, his touch and his brilliant purple eyes were all eloquent enough. We stayed like that, wrapped in each others arms until he murmured in my ear, "Heero, I'm freezing!"
And I remembered that he was barefoot, wearing nothing more than that thin skoor, his hair still damp from his shower, and the ambient air temperature was not that far above freezing. Hard on that realization, a violent shiver racked his body. "Dammit!" I snorted, cursing myself for straying into Banshee Wonderland again. Without thought, I scooped him up in my arms and carried him, shivering in earnest now, back to the house.
"Baka," I murmured affectionately, dropping the Japanese word without conscious thought. "You think I'll lick you even more if you're a Banshee-sicle?"
"Will you?" he giggled around a shudder as I dropped him on the futon. "What flavor am I?"
"My favorite," I murmured. "Pure, unadulterated, fresh-squeezed Duo..."
He gurgled helplessly, trying not to laugh outright. I unbuttoned the skoor and tossed it over a bench and drew the covering over him. He huddled under the heavy uwabuton, watching as I undressed; lifting the edge in invitation for me to join him.
He slid into my arms immediately, even before I had settled. He was cold, his skin icy and prickled with gooseflesh.
"Why didn't you say something?" I growled. "Contrary to popular notion, I can't read your mind."
"Didn't want to ruin the mood..." he breathed against my collarbone.
"Nothing could ruin that mood," I assured him. "I love you," I said again, believing in positive reinforcement. I could feel his lips smiling against my skin. "Sleep, silly creature." And for once he did as I told him.