Part 48
Heero may have had blissful dreams; he didn't have a chance to wonder when dawn came and Duo awakened.
A wordless snarl.
A violent shove.
Heero hit the floor hard.
Instinct had him on his feet instantly, looking for the enemy.
Instead, he found Duo cornered against the wall, fingers curled into talons, face contorted in a mixture of fury and fear.
"Get away from me! Don't touch me!"
Heero blinked. ::Ah, k'so.::
He'd made a mistake. He'd made a terrible mistake.
"Duo --"
"You -- you bastard!" A spasm of pain crossed his face and he doubled over with a gasp. "I... I trusted you..."
"No. Duo, it wasn't me. I didn't hurt you!" He fell to his knees. "Duo, I swear I didn't hurt you. I found you."
Wild purple eyes glared at him. "You were in my bed!" Duo spat back.
"I found you. I -- I made a mistake. I should have taken you to the Healers, but... I didn't..."
Duo might have hurled more than invective, but his rage was arrested by four words. I made a mistake. In the months they'd known each other, Duo had never known Heero to make a mistake, much less admit such. The part of him that looked forward to Heero's company, that needed Heero's presence in his life, began pushing logic through his confused brain.
Heero touched his forehead to the floor, angry with himself, disgusted by his lapse in good sense and proper procedure.
::Fool! A thousand times a fool!::
"Duo, I would never hurt you. Never! I found you..." He explained quietly about the locked door, his knock, Duo's fall, finding the blood, his own anger at whomever -- whatever -- had done that to the Banshee, and his mistake.
"I should have taken you to the Healers immediately. But you didn't seem badly injured, physically. You were... drifty, conscious, but not aware. You didn't seem to know what had happened. I thought..." He hesitated and uncoiled to look at his friend. "I thought that I knew best what to do for you... I'm sorry, Duo."
The Banshee stared at him, an expression of -- what? -- accusation, disbelief, contempt in his wide eyes.
"I was wrong. I made a bad decision based on selfish logic. I was wrong and I'm sorry, Duo. But I did not hurt you."
Time slid by in silence.
Duo considered Heero's story from all sides.
"Heero," he said softly, finally. "If you didn't, then... who did?"
Heero could only shake his head. "I hoped that you could tell me."
Duo slumped back against the wall and pulled the comforter up to cover his nakedness. He gave a halfhearted chuckle. "Goddess, I really am a fool. I know you wouldn't hurt me." He looked at Heero, still kneeling on the floor. "I must have mixed everything up in my mind... But... Why were you in my bed?"
Heero rose up to sit on the edge of the bed. "You woke up. You said you were scared. You asked..." He looked down at his hands. "You asked for help..."
Heero looked at him. Duo's opaline complexion was broken by twin slashes of bright pink on his cheeks. He looked - Heero couldn't help himself - he looked beautiful and fragile and priceless.
::Please, Duo, please forgive me...::
His thoughts were broken by Duo's sigh.
"I'm sorry I pushed you off the bed. Forgive me?"
Heero offered his hand, relaxing when Duo took it. "Only if you will forgive me for my lack of good sense."
Duo smiled crookedly, and nodded, and squeezed his hand.