Diversion #44 - Ii Kibarashi - Thorns
No Banshee in his room. No Banshee in the bathroom. No voices from the Banshee's room. No music from the Banshee's room.
No Banshee in the Banshee's room...
Now, where would his Banshee be at this late hour...?
Heero looked around Duo's room. The bed hadn't been turned down, but his knitting was neatly stowed. His everyday boots were sitting next to the hall door and his everyday cloak hung on the peg above them.
An eddy of cool air drifted around his ankles. Ah; of course. Duo was on the balcony. He pushed the french door open and looked out.
"Duo? I'm home."
Duo perched on the edge of the wide stone balustrade, gazing up at the stars and the thin crescent moon.
"Hey," he said softly. Heero padded over to wrap his arms around the Banshee's waist and rest his chin on Duo's shoulder.
"What's up, angel?"
"Missed you," Duo sighed. He laid his hands over Heero's, rubbing gently.
"I missed you, too. I'm done until next quarter, though."
"I'm glad."
Duo's lack of animation was worrying. This sort of introspection usually meant he'd been dwelling on his family and his Clan again.
"Baby, are you tired?" he asked softly.
Duo shrugged. "Kind of... Long day..." He turned within Heero's arms. "There was an accident in town."
Heero tightened his grip. "An accident. Anyone we know?" he asked hesitantly.
"Not really." He laid his arms around Heero's neck and sighed heavily. "One of the students from the School. Moira and I had to go as liaisons to the Human authorities. A 'tragic accident' they were calling it."
It didn't sound like it had ended well. "Dead?"
"Yep. Really most sincerely dead," he muttered. "It wasn't a 'tragic accident' either; more like a 'stupid on-purpose'. A bunch of young Witches and Wizards were out screwing around on their brooms. One of them tried to play 'chicken' with a semi; he lost."
"That's stupid, all right," Heero agreed wryly.
"It was the kid from that 'show and tell' I did last year."
"What kid?"
"The one who was running his mouth about how lazy and cowardly male Banshees are."
"Ah. No loss to the gene pool, then."
"I guess not..."
Heero rocked him gently, rubbing his back and nuzzling at his hair. "I love you," he murmured.
"Why what?"
"Why do you love me? I come with nothing but baggage; my magic is at best haphazard, at worst dangerous; I'm twitchy and emotional half the time and I haven't even... You know," he whispered.
"I love you because you're clever, bright, talented, kind and gorgeous and you fuck like a weasel. The first time I laid eyes on you my heart stopped. Doesn't matter if it was love at first sight or pheromones; I love you because you are a marvelous package. I would say that you complete me, but that is a seriously over-worked cliché. I doubt I could live without you, though. As far as 'you know' goes, when you feel ready and not one instant sooner," he growled.
Duo's hand slid down his chest, fingers knotting into his sweater. "I just... Moira was shocked and sympathetic to the parents... I just wanted to ask if they were the ones who taught him to be such a little shit. But he's not anymore; he's just dead."
"Probably because he was a little shit. Challenging a semi; what an idiot!" he snorted. "It's neither your responsibility nor your fault that he is dead. His treatment of you last year just shows that he was a nasty person; it does not presage any sort of doom."
He snugged closer, cheek against Heero's shoulder, lips brushing his neck. That's what he wanted to hear; that the rotten little shit's death had nothing to do with him being nasty to a Banshee. Not that he believed that it did, but... well... It was better to hear it out loud from someone whose opinion he trusted above all others. If it had been his fault somehow, Heero would say so, and then find a way to make it simply an unavoidable occurrence.
"I... wonder sometimes... when stuff happens. Some of those stories and legends do have a grain of truth in them..." Heero tightened his grip on his Banshee. *His* Banshee. No one else's.
"As often as I threaten to eat idiots, I never have. But some of my ancestors did, with great relish. I think most of us have less patience with the modern Humans and their petty grievances. The little shit is fortunate to have a broom with which to play stupid games. In centuries past, Wizards and Witches were more concerned with the imperatives of life; food, shelter, safety. Moira is Human, so she 'feels their pain', as the saying goes. And after all those years among them, you still feel pressure to conform to their behaviors. Understandable. But it's not bad that you don't; it's just Banshee."
Duo sighed and relaxed even further. "You always make me feel better when you lecture me like this."
Heero snorted and suddenly scooped Duo off his feet. "You are my Chosen; it is my duty, my right and my privilege to keep the proper perspective. It's cold now; let's go in."
Duo snickered. "Your place or mine?"
"Mine. I've warmed the sheets."