
Chapter 7:Giving




Disclaimer:I don't own them and I don't make any money off of them.
Warning:Male/Male sex, graphic, language, violence, slave situations. AU

They ignored each other all the way back to the villa. Duo looked out at the distances as if he were seeing it for the last time. Wu Fei was clearly angry, but choosing to allow Duo to be his own man. Heero, for his part, was planning the coming night with heated anticipation, yet also thinking about everything that had transpired to bring him to that moment.

With or without Duo's 'payment' he would have decided to fight the Emperor. He had been raised to obey, to care about his civic duty, and it seemed a ridiculous rebellion to him now, his attempt to be other than what he really was. He was not a spoiled son, or a noble senator wanting his piece of the city's decadence. It was time that he stop pretending that he was. The people were being abused. It was time for a revolution.

Castor seemed relived to see them. Quatre and Trowa were both eager for news. The attack by the soldiers angered them and frightened them at the same time. They spent a great deal of time, until the sun dipped behind the horizon, planning on moving their people to safer ground.

Heero passed up several opportunities to escape. Duo's word had been enough to lose him his guard. Quatre was the first to clasped arms with Heero and call him friend. Trowa was more reserved, his eyes too knowing of betrayals, and Wu Fei's hand was never far from his sword, dark eyes watching Heero. Castor acted as if a man's word still meant something and he was more than willing to treat Heero as a landed, honorable, gentleman.

Duo avoided Heero, keeping close to his friends, or running small errands for Castor. Even during their evening meal, he sat, hunched and reserved, over his food, eyes on the thoughts in his own head. Heero wasn't pleased to realize that Duo was looking forward to their night together with the same anxiety as a man facing battle.

Heero chose a back room, the walls sounder than most, and a waterfall mosaic covering one wall. He lit lamps and spread out a pallet of fresh smelling bedding. Testing the oil he had brought, between two fingers, he hoped it would be all right. He didn't have a physician, or a body slave to advise him.

The night had the air of expectation, yet it was the calm before the storm, a bubble of peace that was about to break. They might all die soon, but tonight, Heero was going to live.

A noise at the door alerted Heero to Duo's presence. He turned and saw the young man looking uncertain, standing and taking in Heero's preparations. Duo scowled in the next moment and began stripping off his tunic. "Let's get this over with."

Heero caught the tunic on the way to the floor and neatly folded and put it aside as he watched Duo's lithe body stalk to the pallet. His tattoo was a ripple of color along his side and his braid was coming loose as he worked it out of it's tight knot with expert fingers. He turned on his heel, and knelt down gracefully into a slave's obedient prostration, his hair a fall of brown, shot with russet, all around him.

"You do that very well," Heero told him, voice tight with need and emotion as he undressed as well. His tunic joined Duo's and then he slowly approached. He could see the tension in Duo's bowed shoulders, the slight, nervous tremble. He could have promised, 'I won't hurt you', but Heero didn't want to lie, not knowing the truth of a statement such as that.

Heero went to his knees in front of Duo, bent to be at his low level, and then gently kissed Duo's cheek, brushing back his hair to accomplish the feat. Duo's purple eyes came up in surprise and locked on his blue ones.

"This isn't a rape," Heero told him softly.

"No?" Duo replied, failing at the sarcasm Heero was sure he wanted.

"No," Heero assured him as he gathered Duo into his arms and took them both onto the pallet, facing each other, side by side, and pressing close. Heero continued his kisses there, hands smoothing over Duo's body as he lay, passively, in the circle of his arms.

"You don't have to kiss me," Duo murmured, eyes half closed as if he were bracing himself.

"I don't have to do anything," Heero agreed, which was rewarded by a hot glare from Duo.

He parted Duo's legs. Long, strong, and supple, they begged for sex, the way they poised in the air, knees bent wide. It took all of Heero's self control, to dab his fingers in his vial of oil, and slowly prepare Duo for what was coming next.

"Dance for me?" Heero couldn't keep a slight, begging tone from his voice and Duo caught it, looking puzzled and then self satisfied as he suddenly arched back, neck stretched to show his lim throat and arms braced to support him. He undulated, legs opening wider and bending back to expose everything to Heero's oiled fingers. When Heero delved in deep, Duo gasped and groaned, showing him that he wasn't as unwelcome as Duo wanted to pretend.

Duo was hard and ready in every way. He left off his dance as Heero moved over him, looking up at Heero with eyes that had less fear and more want. They stayed poised like that, two soldiers not sure who should strike first, and then Duo said, clearly and with a firmness that sent Heero over the edge of reason, "What you will, master."

He plunged into Duo's depths, thrusting down and bending Duo back Duo gasped out, face screwing up and teeth biting a lower lip, as Heero entered him as far as he could.

Duo groaned deeply, panted a moment, trying to accommodate Heero inside of him, and then slid down and repositioned his legs. Heero felt an opening, a surrender of flesh, and that was enough for him. He began thrusting, taking what was his, but feeling a warmth in his soul as well, a meeting of more than flesh. Duo wasn't just a conquest any longer.

Heero spilled , hot and heavy, his world disappearing into pure sensation while his heart hammered in his chest. Duo's voice brought him back. "Done?"

Heero levered off of him, suddenly concerned, both of them slicked with sweat, and other things. One of Duo's hands ghosted down to his bottom, while he winced and unbent from his cramped position. "Are you all right?" Heero asked.

"You just put your cock where it doesn't belong," Duo grumbled, but there was a sense that he was covering up true feelings. "I think I'm bleeding."

Heero reached back, touched, and then brought his fingers close to a lamp. "No," he assured Duo, "just... me."

"I'm surprised," was Duo's dry reply.

"So am I," Heero said and felt a stab of guilt. He had been too eager, to ready to try and have Duo for his pleasure alone. It needed repayment. "Your virginity is mine," he told Duo, "but I want other things, as well."

Duo went tense and Heero wondered at his naivete, almost as complete as his own. He believed in Duo's virginity just then, and was ready to calm his uncertainties. He parted Duo's knees again, and felt Duo tremble, probably sore and not wanting Heero within him a second time, but Heero wasn't aiming for that pleasurable opening. Instead, he bent to work, taking Duo's cock into his mouth and tasting it on his tongue. It swelled there and Heero enjoyed the sensation of it's hot silky hardness.

"Only slaves do that," Duo told him, but it was in an unwieldy voice that was battling with a groan of pleasure.

"No," Heero told, him, pausing only slightly. "Not just slaves."

It took some experimenting, but he soon had Duo arching, writhing, and all too quickly, coming. Heero avoided getting the spurt in his face, just, but ended up with it shot all over his shoulder and ear. Heero chuckled as he wiped at it and Duo lost his control enough to grin, if only briefly, eyes looking tired and sated.

"Was it worth it?" Duo wanted to know, a frown settling and erasing the grin.

"Was it?" Heero replied, turning it back on him.

Duo went thoughtful and then he brushed Heero's unruly hair from his sweaty forehead. "I..." He stopped, seeming at a loss for words, unwilling to admit to pleasure or pain. His hand clenched and he lowered it. He turned a shoulder to Heero and said, stiffly, making up his mind to deny Heero satisfaction, "If I'm allowed to sleep now, master?"

Heero sighed and settled in next to him. They could bathe in the morning. It seemed too much like the breaking of a moment, and maybe an unwise action, to part, just then. It didn't matter that Duo was deciding to play his part, Heero could tell, by the way he clasped Heero's hand against him, how he really felt. Their coming together had meant something more than sex to him as well, though it might never be spoken.



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