Leaving the Org

by Merula


Duo leaned back against the seat wearily and eyed his partner. Heero didn't look much better; the whole job had been one nightmare after another. They had been given faulty information and sent into a situation they had been lucky to walk out of.

Still it was over and there was no need for Heero to still look so tense...

"Love?" Duo asked, and Heero glanced over at him. "What's wrong?"

"You didn't kill the target's kids."

"Hell, no," Duo responded surprised. "I'm not killing any children."

"They saw you."

"Who the hell cares? I still wasn't going to kill them." Duo bit his lip. "You didn't want me to- did you?" Usually Heero believed in preserving the innocent. Why had he changed his mind?

Heero reached out and ran his hand down Duo's braid. "No, I didn't want you to... but I'm afraid the Org might have wanted you to-"

"They weren't the target. The Org didn’t mention them so the Org can just shove it. They aren’t on the list, they aren’t dead."

Heero gave him the smile Duo loved to see. "You wouldn't have said that five years ago."

"Five years ago I wasn't with you." Duo leaned over and kissed Heero's cheek. “Your opinion is worth more to me than the Org’s.”

“I’m very glad.” Heero smiled a little wider, but Duo noted the way his hands tightened on the wheel.

“Talk,” he demanded. “You’re thinking of something. Something bad. What is it?”

Heero sighed, his smile vanishing. “Is it just me, or have some of our jobs lately been more difficult than usual?”

So he noticed, Duo thought and nodded. “Yes.”

“Do you suppose that means what I think it means?”

“That they are trying to get rid of us?” Duo looked out the window. “I’m not sure. We do our jobs, we always gets the targets. It wouldn’t be efficient to get rid of us, but since Chang left things have not been going well. Several operatives have died recently that had no history of being difficult to handle- they were just sent on bad jobs.”

Heero considered this for a moment. “So maybe it’s just bad management choices?”

“Could be.” Duo shrugged. “Or it could be that I’m the only orphan left and I make them nervous.”

“I think you made them nervous before.”

“I wasn’t created to be comforting.” Duo pointed out and Heero tugged his braid.

“And yet you are.”

“Only to you.”

A shared smile and then Heero focused on the road again. “So, which do you think it is? Bad management or the other?”

“The other.” Duo frowned. “It will be interesting to see what assignment they give us next.”


Duo listened to their boss in shock. Work by himself? Stop going out on jobs with Heero? Because it was more cost efficient?

Bullshit. It was not more cost efficient! He knew what the hell they were doing and he didn’t like it at all.

Heero, used to reading his partner, placed a hand on Duo’s wrist before Duo could speak. “Ma’am, I don’t think you are taking a few things into account.” He said calmly.

“I assure you that I am taking everything into account,” she snapped. “He’s been created as the perfect assassin. He doesn’t need a partner, especially not a partner like you. He was much more efficient before you became his partner. He was supposed to have…”

Before she could finish the sentence, Duo had shaken off Heero’s hand and reached across the desk to grab their boss by the throat.

“Understand this,” he said as his hand tightened on her windpipe. “I was grateful to this organization before for taking me in. I let you turn me into a tool for you. I have done a lot for you in return. Heero is my partner. I will not take any jobs without him. Chang agreed to this and you are supposed to abide by his deals with us.”

She was gasping for air, trying to reach the call button on her desk- but Heero had prudently slid it out of the way of her grasping fingers.

“So, are you going to reconsider your decision?” He asked and his fingers tightened a little more.

She nodded frantically, but Duo didn’t let go.

Heero spoke softly. “Let her go,” he said, getting to his feet and placing a hand on Duo’s arm. “Please. She agreed, so let her go.”

Duo did as his lover asked, growling slightly. “We’re going,” he said to Heero and stalked out.

Heero stood beside the desk a moment longer. Their boss glared at him.

“You’ve made your point,” she rasped. “Fine. No reassigning either of you.”

“Thank you,” he said and left the office.

Heero knew his lover very well. He had expected Duo to rage in the car all the way home about the stupidity of their employers.

Duo didn’t.

He drove silently, hands tight on the wheel, and Heero was worried.

It wasn’t good when his partner got this mad.

He searched for something to say- but he couldn’t come up with anything reassuring. The Org would not like the fact that the two of them had turned down that proposal. They might not do anything, but Heero knew that insubordination was not usually tolerated.

Some kind of punishment was going to occur, and the only thing he could do was be ready for it and make sure Duo was as well.

They reached their home and Duo pulled the car into the garage. Silently they performed all the checks that they did every time they came home- Heero was relieved to see that it didn’t look like the Org had tampered with anything.

His partner was still silent, and Heero expected him to go and lock himself up in his room for a while as he sometimes did when he was upset.

He did not expect Duo to follow him into the kitchen, push him up against the counter and growl at him:

“Do you want to leave me?”

“No!” Heero protested. Leave him? What the hell was Duo thinking?

“Why didn’t you say anything on the way home? Why didn’t you talk about how you weren’t going to let them separate us?” Duo’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe you were hoping they’d free you from me?”

Heero felt the tenseness in Duo and deliberately relaxed, reached out a hand to caress Duo’s cheek.

“I was worrying about what the Org’s going to do- they aren’t going to leave this unpunished. I’m sorry Duo, I was thinking too hard to talk. You know I don’t want to be free of you!”

“You’d be safer.”

“Fuck safer. I’m not leaving you.”

He felt the tension leave his partner’s body, saw the dangerous gleam fade and silently breathed a sigh of relief.

“What do you think they’ll do to us?”

Heero pulled Duo into a tight embrace. “I don’t know. We have to be ready for anything.”

“Will they send someone after us?”

“I doubt it. It will be more subtle than that.” Heero chuckled. “You know, like when I didn’t do exactly what they wanted on that one job, and so they partnered me with you.”

“They thought I would kill you.” Duo’s voice was soft.

“You haven’t yet.”

A sigh. “That’s another thing they more than likely aren’t happy about.” Duo pulled away slightly so he could look Heero in the eye. “And I doubt they like the changes you’ve made in me.”

“I didn’t change anything.” Heero smiled faintly. “I just showed you what was already there.”

He felt Duo tense again. “I won’t let them take you away from me.”

Heero leaned over and captured Duo’s mouth in a brief kiss. “I won’t let myself be taken. We just need to be extra careful for a while…”

“Do you really think that will be enough?” Duo asked, leaning back into Heero’s embrace.

“No,” Heero shook his head. “But it’s all I can think to do for the moment.”

“I can’t think of anything else either. I’d say we should run but-“

“You can’t.”

“There’s got to be a way around the conditioning.” Duo frowned. “If we can just figure out a way to stop me from following it then we’d be able to leave.”

“Do you remember anything about it at all?”

“Not really.” Heero watched as Duo’s expression clouded over. “I wish I could.”

“Then we’ll have to figure something else out.” Heero tightened his arms around his lover.

“I have a bad feeling that we’ll have to figure it out sooner than we’d like.” Duo answered and Heero couldn’t think of a soothing reply.

He knew Duo was right.

It was sooner than either of them expected.

Heero scanned the orders to go to L4 again. “I don’t like this,” he said and Duo nodded.

“I don’t either.” His hands were tight on the steering wheel. “I really don’t like that it’s on a colony.”

“No kidding. Technically we aren’t even supposed to be there. That’s not our turf.”

“So why are we getting sent?”

“They’re hoping we’ll run afoul of the locals?”

“That might be one reason.” Duo lifted a shoulder. “Or maybe the Org has decided to branch out?”

“Then we’ll really be in the fire.” Heero snapped the small file closed and ran a magnet over it, erasing the information. “I think we need to keep our heads down until we figure out what the hell is going on.”

“I agree.” Duo swung the car into a parking space and glared at the shuttle port. “Shit, I hate this part.”

Heero leaned over the seats and touched his lips to Duo’s. “Me too. Let’s hope once we get up there and get the information on the target that things look a little better.”

It was a futile hope.


“This is a suicide mission,” Duo snarled, pacing the tiny hotel room a few days later. “The guy is guarded by his own band of mercenaries and the Org forbids us to use explosives or sniping. They want his head! Since when do we bring back a trophy?”

“It’s disgusting.” Heero agreed from his seat on the bed. “From what I could dig up, this Winner is the wealthiest man in this section of the sphere. He goes down and everyone will be looking for the killers. If we were on Earth- it would be easy. But up here in the colonies?”

“According to the Org, he’s going to China at the end of the week. Why not just have us kill him there?”

“Maybe they don’t want him to get to China?”

“If we killed him there I don’t see a problem. Maybe we should tell them we want to wait?”

“They want him dead in three days. I have a feeling any delay on our part will give them the excuse they need.”

“Do they really need one?” Duo joined him at the window and sighed. “I think we’re fucked this time.”

There was a discreet knock at the door.

“Did you order room service?” Duo asked and Heero shook his head.

“Course not.”

“Damn.” Duo glided over towards the door, pulling his gun out. A moment before he reached it, a small envelope slid under the door.

Twenty minutes later, having discerned the envelope was safe, Duo slid out the letter inside.

Dear Sirs,
I understand the two of you are here on business concerning my interests. I should like to meet with you this evening at seven. Please accept my assurances of safety and be on time.
Quatre R. Winner

“What should we do?”

“I have no idea.” Heero frowned at the letter. “Apparently somehow he knows we’re here and he knows why.” Had they missed a bug in their sweep? Had Winner been tipped off?

“A setup?” Duo tugged the end of his braid and Heero watched the pattern of his fingers.


Heero nodded. “Maybe. We know already the Org isn’t happy with us.” It wouldn’t hurt to give Winner that bit of information if he was listening somehow.

“So what do we do? Hijack a shuttle off this tin can?” Duo’s fingers moved again.

Heero frowned, not liking the plan Duo was presenting him with, but not seeing another choice. “I don’t think we could. If he’s as powerful as I think he is, then we’ll only get off of here if he lets us.” He tapped his fingers on his knee.

“Maybe this way he scares us off?” Duo suggested, frowning a little himself.

“Maybe one of us should go talk to him.”

“You mean you should go talk to him.” Duo got to his feet, pacing the room, fingers still twisting in his braid. “Don’t you think it’s time you stop coddling me Heero?”

The words stung, despite Duo’s intentions. “Coddling you? Since when do I dare?”

“Please. I’m the logical choice for confronting him- if we even do such an asinine thing. I think we should try to run.”

“I don’t think we’ll make it.” Heero insisted. “I think we need to face this.”

“You can go face this,” Duo snapped and headed for the door. “I’m getting my ass off this place.”

The door slammed behind him and Heero closed his eyes. Part one complete. Now for part two.


At six forty five, Heero presented himself at the door of Winner’s estate, envelope in hand. A massive man opened the door and extended his hand for the envelope.

“I was told there would be two of you,” he grunted and Heero shrugged.

“My partner didn’t wish to accept the invitation.”

The man grunted. “Headed for the shuttleport did he?”

Heero narrowed his eyes. Was that an assumption, or had Duo been right and their room was bugged somehow?

“I really don’t know where he is,” Heero said, which was true enough.

“Follow me please,” the other said and Heero did as requested. He felt other eyes in the shadows and his shoulderblades itched.

He was ushered into an opulent looking office. Behind a massive desk sat the man they had been sent to kill.

Quatre Winner looked up from a file folder with a half smile. “Won’t you have a seat?”

Heero sat in the chair across from the desk and waited as Winner’s eyes swept over him in a quick appraisal. His escort took up a position by the door.

“Your partner is…?”

“I don’t know.” Heero answered. “We had a bit of a disagreement over the wisdom of accepting your invitation.”

Winner nodded. “So I see. I’m sure it was very disconcerting to get my note.”


Winner’s lips twitched into a smile. “Heero Yuy. A member of the Organization since you were 21. Got into some trouble with your ethics, was assigned one of the Org’s Orphans- a Duo Maxwell- as a partner. Against all predictions you have survived being his partner for the last five years. Remarkable.”

“Not really. A little courtesy goes a long way.”

“So it does. Recently however your ethics have rubbed off on your partner.”

“So the Org seems to think.”

“And they don’t like it.” Winner closed the folder. “I am sure, Mr. Yuy, that you think the Org has betrayed you to me. Nothing could be further from the truth. They don’t like me much.”

“They did want your head.”

“How barbaric.” Winner shuddered. “I make a point to keep a careful eye on my enemies. I have full files on all the Org’s employees and I make sure to keep an eye on the shuttleports.”

“So we just had the bad luck to be caught?”

“That depends.” Winner steepled his fingers on the desk in front of him. “I have been hoping they would send someone like you and your partner, Mr. Yuy. I could use men like you in my employ.”

Heero hadn’t expected that. “So- you’re asking us to switch sides? That would be like painting a target on our backs.”

“I notice you don’t say that you wish to stay with the Org.” Winner paused for a moment. “I realize that you would have to go to some lengths to assure the Org you were not a threat.”

Heero processed this. “Pretend to be dead in other words.”

Winner nodded. “Exactly.”

“You’re asking for a lot of trust, Mr. Winner. How do we know you won’t betray us if we do decide to accept your offer?”

“You don’t.” Winner lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “But isn’t the gamble worth the risk?”

“Only if working for you is better than the Org-“

“I can assure you it will be, but again, that might be something you have to take on trust.” Winner smiled.

“That’s not an easy thing to ask.”

“I know, and even more difficult to decide without your partner. I did want him here. I do have men searching the shuttle ports, but they cannot discern his location. He has not returned to your hotel. He really is as good as your files say. Perhaps you could help us locate him and convey my offer to you?”

“No need,” Duo’s voice echoed out of the air and Heero was amused to see Winner look slightly startled. “I’m already here.”

Duo dropped easily to the floor, the vent cover beside him. “If we do work for you, we’re alarming your vents- and upgrading your security.”

Winner recovered quickly. “Mr. Maxwell I presume?”

“Of course,” Duo handed the vent cover to the massive man by the door. “You might want to put this back.”

Heero bit the inside of his lip as Duo perched on the arm of his chair.

Winner’s eyes narrowed. “I’m very impressed, but- if you could get in that easily, why worry about getting in to kill me?”

Duo smirked at Heero. “See? Told ya we were bugged.”

Heero nodded. “Fine, fine, you win.”

Duo looked back at Winner. “It’s easy to get in. Out is another matter. First we’d have to work past your precautions. You have a panic button on the underside of your desk, another one on your person, you’re carrying a gun, the windows are alarmed and there is always one of your guards with you- usually two. Tricky, but not overwhelming. However, as I’m sure Heero told you- we were asked to bring your head out. That requires a bag and a fast getaway. That’s more tricky. Then we’re on a colony. Even worse- too easy to close the ports- and all bags are scanned on the shuttles. There are ways around that- but none of them fail safe.”

Duo shrugged. “The mission specified that we couldn’t use explosives or snipe. It had to be up close and personal. We only had until your trip to China to carry it out. Considering all the factors- this mission was given to us in the hope that we’d fail.”

Winner nodded. “I see your point- and I am even more impressed with your skills. You’re better than I hoped. Would the two of you be willing to accept my offer?”

“I don’t think we can,” Heero replied. “I’m fairly sure that if you were watching us- someone else was too. The Org will not be happy with this visit.”

“I can assure you that you are the only members of the Org on my colony. I caught one other, apparently sent here to follow you, and have him detained. It is a matter of public record- you can check for yourself. The Org will not know that you met with me. I can assure you on that point.”

Duo closed his eyes for a brief moment. “You offer is tempting, Mr. Winner, but again, we don’t know that we can trust you. I wouldn’t deny that I want to leave the Org- but it’s dangerous.”

Winner looked thoughtful. “Anything worth having is worth risk. Let’s do this. I am leaving for China earlier than planned. I will be in my usual hotel down there. If the two of you meet me there I can help you arrange an accident and take you into my employ. If I don’t see you-“ he smiled, “then I will watch my back carefully.” He looked at the man guarding the door. “Rashid will see you out.”


Duo stood on the street corner and grinned at Heero. “Good plan?”

Heero tugged his braid. “Very much so. I really thought you were upset with me when you left though, no matter what your fingers said.”

“Never,” Duo leaned close and brushed a kiss over Heero’s cheek. “I vote we get off this thing and down to China. We can tell the Org he’s leaving early and that we’re arranging an ambush.”

“What about his offer?”

Duo hunched a shoulder. “Let’s not talk about it here. I’ll feel better back on Earth.” He ran a hand over the back of his neck and his voice dropped. “For some reason, I want to go home…”

“Back to the house?” Heero touched his arm. “Why?”

Duo shook his head and met Heero’s eyes. “It’s not that. I think it’s the other. I think the conditioning is kicking in. It knows I want to leave the Org…” He rubbed the back of his neck again. “It’s making me twitchy.”

Heero cursed softly. “Maybe it will lessen when we get back planet side again.”

“I hope so,” Duo shivered. “I don’t like it.”

Heero watched Duo carefully as they boarded the shuttle. Duo wasn’t displaying any signs of being uncomfortable, but his earlier admission of feeling the conditioning made Heero very worried.

They took their seats and Heero was relieved to see that the shuttle was half-empty. No one was near them, which would hopefully allow them some degree of privacy in which to speak.

Once they were settled and the shuttle launched, Heero leaned close to Duo. “How did the bosses take it?”

“Good, once they confirmed that he is indeed leaving for China tomorrow. They made a few ‘delayed’ noises, but that was it.” Duo smiled faintly. “What did you find out?”

“A near perfect record. Close to unbelievable, but he’s known as a straight-dealing businessman. There’s some shadows that were hard to get more information on, but nothing about dealing with employees.”

“Most successful businessmen have a few shadows.” Duo nodded. “I looked at the shuttle feed- they did indeed detain one of our fellow employees. In fact, he’s still detained.”

“Who did they send?”


Heero snorted. “Well, I think that answers the question of if the bosses trust us or not.”

“And what their plans are for us if we fail.” Duo shook his head. “Though really- Otto? It’s almost insulting.”

Heero patted his knee. “So, does this mean we are in the business for a new boss?”

Duo looked thoughtful. “Do you think we can trust him?”

“The only person I trust is you. However, after my research, I think we might be cautiously optimistic.”

Duo smiled. “Always careful.”

“Of course.” Heero watched as Duo rubbed the back of his neck again. “Duo? Is it still bad?”

“A little,” Duo admitted. “I think it’s because I want to leave, you know? So it’s starting up.”

Heero replaced Duo’s hand with his own. “Where is it telling you to go?”

Duo half closed his eyes and leaned into the caress. “I haven’t ever told you? I looked it up you know, ages ago, when they first started having me look for my siblings.”

Heero shook his head.

“They’re all isolated spots- where either a recapture could take place- or if we were deemed broken beyond repair a- well, you know.” Duo felt Heero’s fingers falter for a moment and he reached up to capture Heero’s hand in his. Heero was not going to deal well with the next piece of information.

“That makes sense,” Heero said and his fingers tightened on Duo’s for a moment as the attendant came down the aisle towards them.

Once she was gone again, Duo gave Heero a faint smile. “So, you know they thought I was the worst of all of them, right?”

“I know,” Heero lifted Duo’s hand up to his mouth and kissed the curve of his wrist.

“So mine isn’t exactly a specific place.”

“What do you mean?”

Duo said one word and Heero paled, his fingers nearly cutting off the circulation in Duo’s hand.

“Maybe we should…”

Duo knew what Heero was thinking. “No. It’s getting bad. They don’t want us anymore.” He pulled Heero close, leaned into his warmth. “You know that.”

“I know. But… Duo- we have to find someway of breaking it. I was thinking we could go someplace close- ease the need a little, but….”

“We still can…” Duo stroked the back of Heero’s neck with gentle fingers. “That might be for the best.”

“But if it gets too strong-“

“You’ll tie me to the bed.” Heero flinched, but Duo held on tight. “You will do what you have to. I trust you to see me through this.”

Heero was silent for a long time, and then he lifted his head, catching Duo’s mouth with his.

“So, we’re really doing this.” It wasn’t a question.

“I think we have to.”

They reached the hotel in China, swept for bugs, called in, discussed plans and all the while Heero watched Duo. Noted each twitch, wondered over each movement.

He had been thinking the conditioning would lead Duo to a place closer to the Org’s HQ. A mountain cabin or an apartment on the edges of the city- places like the other Orphans had gone to. He’d planned in his head for those already- had started ages ago when he first heard about the conditioning.

How to plan for the place Duo had said he’d go to was worrying him. It was too close to too many places- including here- and a moment of laxness on his part could steal Duo from him.

“So, Winner will be here tomorrow,” Duo said as he closed his laptop and looked up to meet Heero’s eyes, “and I think we’re as prepared as we’re going to get.”

“I think you’re right.”

Duo pushed his chair a little ways away from the table and crooked his finger at Heero. “Come here.” He made Heero straddle his lap and then he looked up at Heero with a faint smile. “It’s not bad yet. Don’t worry so.”

“I can’t help it.” Heero didn’t see any point in denying it. “I’m afraid it will get worse fast.”

“If it does, I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Duo’s smile widened a little. “In the meantime, I need you to distract me.” He slid his fingers under the edge of Heero’s t-shirt. He didn’t need to add that it might be for the last time- after tomorrow who knew what would happen?

Heero bent down and put his lips on Duo’s, pressing hard, wanting to distract, wanting Duo to think only of this- wanting to ground his lover in the here and now…

Duo returned the kiss just as urgently, pulling them both to their feet, stumbling towards the bed.


Duo awoke the next morning to find himself still wrapped in Heero’s arms. He smiled at the evidence of Heero’s concern, even as he felt the insistent poking at the back of his mind.

Go home.

This is home, he told it, as he had before. He curled closer to Heero. He is home.

Go home.

No. He told it again and took a deep breath, letting the faint smell of Heero’s shampoo wash over him, banishing the smell of salt and decay. I am home already.

It subsided a little and Duo relaxed. He couldn’t tell Heero how bad it had gotten. He didn’t dare. Heero was already worried enough. It was his own fault. Winner’s offer tempted him too badly. The moment he heard it, crouched in the vent, he wanted to take it, wanted to be away from the Org-

And the conditioning had started to push him. Subtle at first, it was getting worse every time he thought of their plans, or wondered what Winner had in store for them.

He looked at his watch. Winner would be here soon and plans would be set into motion.

“Awake?” Heero’s voice was soft in his ear.

“Yes. We need to get ready.”

“I know.” Heero brushed a kiss over Duo’s cheek, his arms reluctantly releasing his lover. “There’s already one of those envelopes on the floor.”

Duo sat up and blinked at the door.

“It looks like the other one.”

“It does.” Heero slid out of bed and approached it cautiously. “Let’s see what he says now.”

Heero read the letter silently and then handed it to Duo.

Duo read the letter and then picked up the book of matches beside the bed. “First thing we teach this guy to do is not to use paper evidence.”

“I thought we were fixing his vents first.” Heero smiled and headed towards the shower. “Twenty minutes?”


The small café on the first floor of the restaurant was crowded and noisy. Heero found a small table in the corner where they could both put a back to the wall.

“I wonder if our contact is here yet,” Heero said in a soft tone. Duo scanned the room and Heero saw his eyes widen.


Alarmed, Heero began to flip through plans in his head. Their contact would not approach them with Otto there. How could they get rid of him?

"I thought Winner was holding him."

"I did too." Duo frowned. "This is an interesting twist. Either he got free, or Winner let him go."

"This is not good."

“I’ll deal with Otto.” Duo took a quick swig of his coffee and smiled at Heero. “You know he’ll follow me.”

Heero felt a flicker of panic. He didn’t want Duo out of his sight. Not here. But…

“It will be okay, love, don’t worry.” Duo reassured him and got to his feet. “I’ll be back very soon.”

Heero watched with anxious eyes as Duo sauntered out of the restaurant. Sure enough, a few moments later, Otto got to his feet and followed. Heero sipped his coffee and flipped through the discarded paper that had been left on their table.

“Mr. Yuy?” Heero looked up as a man approached his table. “I believe we have a mutual friend?”


Duo paused for a moment when he got outside. He had started to turn left. Left made no sense. Winner’s hotel was to the right. Left was too close to places he didn’t dare go.

So he turned right and walked up the street, a casual glance back assuring him that Otto was following.

Otto was a decent operative, Duo knew. He was the one sent to deal with troublesome agents- not the orphans of course- but then again maybe he saw this job as a promotion. Duo wondered how much the Org was paying him.

Not that it mattered. He’d never collect.

Go home.

Damn it. Not now.

Go home.

Duo turned quickly into an alley and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes tightly. He focused on Heero. Heero was home, not this other place forcing itself into his mind.

Go home.

“Maxwell,” Duo opened his eyes. Otto stood at the mouth of the alley, a small snub-nosed revolver in his hand. “You really ticked the bosses off.”

“So it seems,” Duo managed.

Go home.

“Yeah, but not as bad as your partner. They want him taken alive.”

Go home.

Duo bit his lip hard. He knew what that meant. Knew what the bastards were planning to do to Heero, and for a moment under the rush of his anger, he was free.

He pushed away from the wall and launched himself at Otto.


Heero checked his watch again. Duo hadn’t come back yet. He wasn’t in their room, he wasn’t in the café. Heero had Winner’s plans, knew what they had to do- knew they had to act fast.

But where was Duo?

Heero checked his watch again. Duo hadn’t come back yet. He wasn’t in their room, he wasn’t in the café. Heero had Winner’s plans, knew what they had to do- knew they had to act fast.

But where was Duo?


Duo stood under the pier and watched the body sink. The water swirled around his waist comfortingly and he shivered.


He wanted to walk further in, wanted to follow Otto’s body down…

No. Heero was waiting. He couldn’t leave Heero.

Covering his eyes with his wet fingertips he focused on his lover. Heero needed him. Heero wouldn’t make it out of the Org without him. The Org has special plans for him.

Duo took a deep breath and backed out of the water. He needed to go back to the hotel. Heero was waiting. Heero was worried. He always was when Duo was late.

He reached dry land and stood for a moment, watching the water lap against the toes of his boots.

Go home.

Not now.


Heero checked the streets around the café, around Winner’s hotel, went down to the district close to the water’s edge- just in case.

No sign of Duo or Otto.

Where was he?

He never should’ve let Duo out of his sight. Not ever. He knew the compulsion was getting stronger…

Heero paced the room. Where to go next? Should he call the Org and start the plan in action even without knowing Duo’s location? Hope that his lover returned?

The door to the room swung open and Heero whirled, one hand on his gun. Duo stood there, breathing heavily, swaying on his feet.

“Duo?” Heero crossed the room and pulled his lover inside. “Where have you been?” He froze when he realized Duo’s clothing was damp.

“Had to get rid of Otto’s body.” Duo gave him a faint smile. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Where is it?”

“Dumped it off the pier.”


“I had to,” Duo curled up into Heero’s arms. “It was okay. I didn’t go in- much. It even kind of eased up a little when I was down there.”

Heero closed his eyes and cursed to himself. Damn it. He shouldn’t have let Duo out of his sight.

“How bad is it?”

“I’m still here.” Duo made a faint noise as Heero’s arms tightened around him. “I don’t think Otto was working with anyone else- I didn’t see anyone near him.”

“He’s usually a lone op,” Heero agreed. “I have the plans. You need to call the Org and tell them that we’re going to ambush Winner in his business associates offices when he goes in tomorrow morning.”

“When they ask how?”

“We’re going in tonight to set the trap up in the main office.”

Duo nodded. “Got it. What is going to happen instead?”

“The offices are wired to blow.”

“They said no explosives.”

“Winner did it. He’s going to claim he set a trap for us. Any bodies would be burned to ash- the investigators will find a few bone fragments.”

“Ah,” Duo nodded. “And where will we be?”

“No where near them. We’re going to plant the car outside with our stuff in it, establish our presence in the neighborhood and then one of his men is going to drive us to a safe location while the offices go up.”

“Workable- and I see if a few loopholes if Winner decides to double cross us.”

Heero nodded and watched as Duo picked up the phone. “Should I mention Otto?” Duo asked.

“No, let them think he hasn’t acted yet.”


The offices went up in a blaze of light. Heero, watching from the backseat of the car Winner had sent, thought it was an appropriate farewell to the Org.

“Time to go gentlemen,” Rashid said and put the car into gear. “Mr. Winner recommends that you lay low for a while. He has secured accommodations for you, but says if there is someplace you feel you could go for a few months, he is willing to send you.”

“I thought we’d be working for him right away.” Duo said from his place beside Heero. He looked back over his shoulder at the burning offices and Heero felt him shiver. He put an arm around Duo and pulled him close. He had made sure to keep Duo beside him all afternoon, not daring to let him out of his sight for a moment.

“It’s not safe for you yet.” Rashid pointed out. “Two new employees showing up right after he kills two of the Orgs employees? He wants to wait a while.”

“That’s wise.” Heero answered when Duo stayed silent. “We are grateful for his forethought.”

“Mr. Winner is like that,” Rashid smiled faintly. “Prove yourselves trustworthy and he will help you however he can.”

“We’ll do our best.” Heero replied and inhaled sharply as Duo’s arms closed tightly around him. “Are you all right?” He asked in an undertone and Duo shook his head.


“What’s wrong with him?” Rashid demanded.

“He’s fighting his conditioning,” Heero answered as he tightened his hold on Duo. “The Org didn’t want him to leave.”

“Then you will need a few days of peace.”


“I can assure you that the place I’m taking you is stocked and secure.” Rashid met Heero’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “Will you need assistance?”

“No,” Duo answered. “I can do this.” In a softer tone, he added: “I have to do this…”


Rashid stopped the car at the top of a dark street far away from the city. “I can’t drive the car down there without giving away to the neighbors that someone is there. Do you need assistance?”

“We’re fine.” Heero reassured him and slid out of the car, bringing Duo with him. Rashid handed him a set of keys.

“The smallest key unlockes the gates. It’s all the way out on the end. Not that you can tell in the dark, but it’s the blue one. Number 43.”

“Thank you.”

“I will relay your thanks to Mr. Winner. Good luck.” The car slid silently away and Heero tried to peer through the darkness.

“What’s down there? Can you see?”

Duo shook his head. “I smell salt.”

Heero took a cautious breath and realized Duo was right. It did smell like salt- and now, with the car engine far away he could hear the gentle sound of water splashing.

“No.” Heero tightened his grip on Duo. “No. We’ll walk back into the city.”

“No we can’t.” Duo shook his head. “Not now. Too far. Too risky. We don’t even know where we are. Let’s go down there and see.”

Heero knew that Duo just wanted to get closer to the water- but he didn’t know what else to do. Duo was right. If there were a house down there, then it would be easy enough to lock Duo into one of the rooms – at least for the night.

So they carefully made their way down the dark path, eyes adjusting to the dimness. Heero’s eyes finally made out what was ahead of them and he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the small marina.

“It’s a boat.”

“I know.” Duo sighed. “But we’re kind of stuck now.”

Heero knew he was right. They were going to have to walk all the way down past those docks to the end… past all that water…

Only one thing to do. He lifted Duo’s face up to his. “Kiss me.”

Duo wasn’t puzzled by the request and Heero wondered if he knew what Heero was thinking.

Duo’s mouth pressed against his and Heero put a careful hand on his neck.

A swift move and Duo sagged against him, unconscious.

Heero slung Duo over his shoulder and headed quickly for the boat at the end. Hopefully Duo wouldn’t kill him for this when he woke up…

Heero was relieved to find that the main cabin was somewhat securable. He put Duo gently on the bed and made sure the portholes were closed and locked. Not that Duo could slip out through one- but he didn’t want to be sorry later. The main door was the problem. It was lockable- but only from the inside.

He secured things the best he could and then went back to Duo. Sighing he had to admit to himself that he didn’t know how Duo would wake up- in his right mind or otherwise. Given the rocking of the boat and the scent of the sea air, Heero had to prepare for the worst.

Carefully he pulled off Duo’s clothes, taking special care of the belt and shoes that he knew had built in ‘surprises’. Maybe some of the other pieces did too- he was not going to take a chance.

After undoing Duo’s hair and removing a few ‘surprises’ from the strands, he wrapped his lover up in the blankets. Not that Duo couldn’t do some damage with those either, but then he could kill Heero in a dozen ways without even using his hands…

Heero rubbed his forehead as he contemplated his unconscious lover. What else?

He was tired. It had been a long time since he’d slept, but he didn’t dare sleep now. Caffeine was the only stimulant he found after poking through the bathroom and galley, so he brewed himself a strong pot of coffee and hoped it would be enough.

As he waited for it to brew he searched the rest of the cabin. He found clothing and money, obviously waiting for them, and in the bottom of a chest he found a length of rope. He regarded it for a moment with a frown. He could tie Duo down- that would let him sleep without worrying… but he knew what that would do to Duo.

Duo’s training had made him afraid of confinement of any type. Bad enough to be stuck in this boat with his conditioning pushing him to go overboard- worse to tie him down. Heero could make the ropes comfortable- but they would be very binding in order to make sure Duo couldn’t get free…

Last resort, he told himself and put the rope back. Just as the lid closed, Duo stirred.

“Heero?” His voice was soft but Heero heard the underlying tone and tensed, waiting.

“I’m here.” He replied just as quietly.

Duo shifted, turning to look at Heero, his eyes narrowed. “Where are we?”

“On the boat, remember? Rashid dropped us off.”

“The boat…” Heero watched as Duo’s eyes widened.

“Yes.” Moving very slowly, Heero approached the bed. “Duo? How are you feeling?”

“That’s why I can feel the water.”


Duo’s eyes closed and he curled up into a tight ball under the blankets. “It’s so close,” he whispered and that was enough to make Heero drop quickly into bed beside him, pulling Duo into his arms.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

Duo shook his head, his arms sliding around Heero’s waist. He burrowed close, clutching his lover tightly. Heero ran his hand over Duo’s braid over and over, trying to comfort.

“We don’t have to stay long- in fact we can try to get out of here tomorrow- as soon as it’s light.”

Duo curled closer. “It’s not so bad here.”

Biting his lip, Heero wondered if that was the conditioning talking. Duo reached up between them, brushed his fingers over Heero’s cheek.

“You look tired. You should rest.”

“I will in a little bit.”

Duo traced his cheek again, his fingers sliding down uncomfortably close to Heero’s throat. Heero forced himself not to tense.

“You’re so close to freedom…” Duo’s voice was soft.

“We are free,” Heero countered, daring to reach up and cover Duo’s hand with his own. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to free you of the Org?”

Duo’s fingers tangled themselves in Heero’s. “What if I can’t be?”

“You have to be, love. I can’t do this without you.”

Warm lips pressed against his for a moment. “Help me,” Duo said, his breath warm against Heero’s skin.

“What should I do?”

Duo burrowed himself closer, pulling Heero half on top of him. “I don’t know- but it’s telling me to go home…. And it’s so close…”

“Where is home?” Heero settled himself firmly against Duo, tightening his embrace. “Not what the conditioning is telling you. Where is your home? Where do you want it to be?” He was grasping at straws, hoping to give Duo something to focus on. Duo had loved their house- not that they could go back to it. “We can make a new one wherever you want…”

“You’re my home.” Duo whispered into Heero’s shoulders. “Hold on to me. Don’t let go- no matter what-“

“I won’t let go,” Heero promised.

Once, a very long time ago, Heero had read a story about a woman who wanted to ransom her lover from the fairy realm- or maybe it was a husband who tried to win his fairy wife to his world- he wasn’t sure. Either way, the story had talked about the way the devoted lover had held fast as the one they tried to save turned to wild beasts, rushing waters and living flames in their arms. At the time he had thought it an interesting challenge- for a fairy tale.

Until he had to hold onto his own lover, who twisted and turned in his arms. Who begged to be allowed to die. Who asked him to hold on tighter. Who raged and swore and threatened to kill him if he didn’t let go. Who wept and apologized for being so much trouble.

Heero never really figured out how long it was- a day? Longer? He just knew that at some point, Duo finally lay quiet in his arms, his breathing shallow, drenched in sweat, sleeping at long last. Heero, exhausted as well, also fell into a deep sleep despite his best intentions.

Waking, he panicked, until he realized that Duo still was beside him, was still asleep and safe.

Heero watched his lover breathe and decided that some other action was needed. Maybe Duo had subdued his demons- and maybe he hadn’t. But this boat was not the place for them.

He slid out of bed and headed for the phone, knowing that there was a number scribbled on the pad beside it- for when they felt ready to move. He just hoped the person on the other end could move quickly.

The car was waiting less than two hours after his call. Passports under false names were supposedly in the glove box. Heero could see the car from the deck of the boat. So close- and yet so far.

Duo hadn’t woken up yet. He was still sleeping, still twisted in the sweat-drenched sheets. Heero was tempted to simply carry him out to the car- it would be the easiest way. But Duo couldn’t get on a flight wrapped only in sheets- though they didn’t really need to fly anywhere. As long as they got away from the coast, Heero would be happy.

As he stood there, undecided, Duo’s eyelashes flickered.



“What’s going on?” Duo looked up at him. “Did I miss something?”

“No,” Heero assured him. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Duo frowned a little and Heero sighed. “I was trying to figure out how to move you. I don’t want to stay here much longer- all things considered.”

“Ah.” Duo sat up and made a face. “I itch. Let me take a shower and we’ll go.”

He made it sound so easy. Heero took a step back, waited for Duo to rise on his own.

Duo pushed the sheets to the side and paused, his head tilted to the side. Heero wondered what was wrong.

“Are you okay?” He asked cautiously.

“It stopped.”


“I don’t feel it.” Duo blinked. “It stopped.” He met Heero’s eyes and smiled faintly. “At least right now.” He slid off the bed and headed for the tiny bathroom. “So I’m going to hurry. Everything else ready?”

“Yes,” Heero couldn’t help following, watching as Duo turned the shower on and stepped under the spray. “There’s a car waiting at the end of the dock for us, papers are in the glove box.”

“Where are we going?”

Heero gave him a rueful smile. “Hadn’t decided that yet. Just wanted to be away from here.”

“Any reason we have to stay in the country?”

“No. In fact they suggested leaving as soon as we could.”

“So we should head for the airport then.” Duo finished and stepped out of the shower, reaching for a towel. “Any destination in mind?”

Heero shook his head. “Any place we can lay low for a bit.”

“A city would be best,” Duo dried himself off and squeezed the water out of his hair. “Clothes?” He added, and Heero went to fetch him some.

After Duo was dressed, his hair mostly hidden under a baseball cap, he gave Heero a smile. “Ready?”

“If you are,” Heero managed to smile back, wondering if things were going to get bad when they stepped out the door. True, Duo seemed back to his old self, but…

“Heero,” Duo moved close, wrapped his arms around Heero’s shoulders. “I’m still okay. Truly. I’d tell you if I wasn’t.”

He accepted Duo’s kiss, even as a tiny voice inside pointed out that Duo was very practiced in deception. If he wanted to lull Heero into a sense of security…

For a moment, he considered knocking Duo out again.

But then Duo was pulling away, opening the door, and Heero simply had to follow. He saw Duo pause on the threshold as the cold sea breeze struck him, saw his eyes close for a moment- and Heero reached out-

But Duo was faster. His eyes opened and he slid away from Heero’s hands, crossing the deck in a heartbeat.

A moment later Duo was standing on the pier, the smile still on his lips. “Come on,” he said and turned towards the waiting car. “Is it the blue one?”

Heero hurried, reaching Duo’s side before answering. “I think so.”

Duo’s fingers closed around his wrist. “I’m fine Heero.” His voice was soft. “I can do this.”

“I’m sure.” Heero inhaled sharply. “I’m the one having the panic attack.”

Duo stroked the inside of his wrist reassuringly. “Then I’d best hold on to you.”

And he did. His hand stayed on Heero’s wrist all the way to the car. Once they were inside the car, he let go long enough to check the glove box.

“Passports are here,” he said and handed Heero the keys. “So where to? I know you- you must have a few ideas.”

“The best one- the one that I think might make us more valuable to our new employer is in a place that’s a little close to an ocean.” Heero admitted. “Not right by, but-“

“I’ll be fine.”

“What if it starts up again? It would be best to figure out someplace land bound-“

“Heero.” Duo leaned over the console and brushed his lips against his lover’s cheek. “I didn’t just go through all of that- didn’t make you go through all of that- so that we could keep living in fear. We’re free now.”

“What if you have a relapse?”

“Then you’ll help me through it.” Duo smiled. “I have faith in you, love.”

Heero took a deep breath and started the engine. “All right. So we head for the airport.” He turned his head a little and smiled back at Duo. “Ready?”

“I’ve been ready for this for a long time.” Duo leaned back in his seat. “Let’s go.”



Back to: One Night



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