Disclaimer:I don't own them and I don't make any money off of this.
Warning:Male/male sex, graphic, language,A.U.
Hands touched one bruise after another along Dee's back. The sting of antibacterial
cream dabbed into road rash came next. One bandage, and then two, were large
enough to cover several places were skin had been broken.
"Raise your arm above your head," Ryo asked softly and Dee complied slowly, wincing a little but able to complete the task. "Touch the back of your neck." Strained muscles made that harder, but Dee managed it. He lowered it again and let it rest slackly against his side.
"I told you that it was all right," Dee said.
A sigh from behind him was full of long suffering patience. Seated on the couch, with his shirt off, facing away from Ryo, and Ryo sitting behind him with a lap full of medical supplies, Dee felt that ten minutes indulging his worried lover was long enough.
"You should be at the clinic," Ryo argued as he checked a bump along Dee's ribs. "It's two doors down from headquarters. It would have only taken twenty minutes at the most."
"They always over react," Dee complained as he turned and faced his lover, keeping his arm still in his lap. He used his good hand, the one that had the least bandages, to cup Ryo's face so that he could look into his worried, dark eyes. "I don't need loads of scans, days of downtime, splints, and lectures, because they think I'm close to being suicidal."
"When you pull stunts like that one-" Ryo began hotly, but Dee's thumb slid until it covered his soft lips.
"If you think that I should have stood back and let that guy drag you with his car, then I'm not sure what kind of man you want to be with. All I know is I'm not HIM."
Ryo smiled warmly, but the worry didn't leave his eyes. He kissed the end of Dee's thumb and moved his face until he was out from under it. "I would have saved myself."
"Like hell," Dee grunted angrily. "Your coat was caught in the door and he was flooring it to get away."
Ryo frowned, remembering. "I was only going to ask him directions."
"You have the worst luck," Dee complained, glaring at Ryo from under his fall of black hair. "How many times have I told you to check out something with your eyes before you stick your head in?"
Ryo glared back and then replied primly, as he put the medical supplies aside on the coffee table, "If you're going to insinuate that men, tying up women, and stuffing them down into their front seats, is even remotely common..."
Dee snorted. "I suppose not, but it could have been drugs, guns... anything. All I'm saying is, next time, stay back and ask your questions where you can check the guy out and have time to get your gun out."
"I did get my gun out," Ryo reminded him as he lightly brushed a hand along Dee's injured arm. "He opened his door-"
"To have room to blast you with his shotgun," Dee retorted. "He gave up that plan when he saw your gun."
"And slammed the door on my coat," Ryo sighed. "That was my favorite coat."
Dee smiled grimly," Is that why you punched him in the face?"
"I was trying to get him to stop the car," Ryo replied.
"Because you dropped your gun."
Ryo stiffened and turned away angrily. "I don't see why this is becoming about me."
Dee turned Ryo back towards him and began unbuttoning Ryo's shirt. "It is about you. It's about you worrying about me and not admitting that you were hurt, too."
The bruise was livid along Ryo's side. Dee bent and kissed it as his fingers felt for bumps or breaks along Ryo's ribs. Ryo shivered and his nipples went hard, despite the aching pain.
"You'll need to undress all the way," Dee instructed as his hands lowered to Ryo's pants. "I want to check every inch of you."
Ryo leaned back into the couch cushions, blushing, and flipped off his shoes with his toes, as his zipper went down. "I haven't finished my exam, either," Ryo breathed huskily.
"We can do a... mutual exam," Dee purred against Ryo's skin.
Ryo smacked the top of Dee's head angrily. Dee flinched and glared.
"What was that for?" Dee complained.
"Only you could turn medical treatment into sex," Ryo retorted.
Dee grinned wickedly and kissed the bulge in Ryo's underwear as he hooked both hands in the waistband of Ryo's pants and pulled them down. "Somebody, here, doesn't mind."
Ryo made a small sound that was half pleasure and half trepidation as he warned, "The front door isn't locked... Bicky..."
"Don't worry," Dee said as he peeled Ryo's underwear down and let Ryo's hard erection pop out to slap his stomach. "Cockblocker went to the movies with his friends."
"I wish you wouldn't call him that," Ryo said in a voice that was small and breathy as Dee bent low and gave Ryo a wicked look down the length of his straining member. "It's crude."
"Like you don't like crude?" Dee chuckled and lapped a tongue over the head of Ryo's cock.
Ryo tensed and moaned. "I don't..."
"You do," Dee insisted. He swallowed Ryo down and the man arched his back, throwing his head back as his hands clutched at Dee's shoulders. The injured one complained, but Dee ignored it.
Rough, tight, slick, and hot. Dee knew what turned Ryo on. Don't touch the balls, he thought as he worked Ryo's erection hard. Even gentle ball touching made Ryo too nervous. Behind the balls was acceptable, though, and Dee's knuckles kneaded there as he sucked.
The pants and underwear were definitely in the way. Dee paused to pull them completely off, and tossed them over the back of the couch. Ryo took that moment to try and roll to get up. Dee caught at his short and pulled him back down.
"We have reports to write..."
"Oh, no, you don't!" Dee exclaimed. "I'm just getting started."
Ryo had another large bruise down his leg and a worse one at his ankle. Dee caught at it and kissed it. "Hurt?" he asked as he pulled off Ryo's sock and then suckled a toe.
Ryo groaned again. "Yes... Don't do that! My feet... "
"Taste like socks," Dee reassured him. "You're a clean guy, Ryo, even after walking the pavement all day." He went back to sucking as his hands checked Ryo's ankle. It was swollen. He needed to be careful.
Ryo squirmed and Dee left off the man's toes and moved back to the neediest part of his lover. He sucked hard and Ryo forgot about getting away, forgot about embarrassment, forgot about his still uneasy acceptance of his own sexuality.
Ryo came with a shout and a thrust, hands pushing Dee's head down to take his spurts of hot come down Dee's throat. Dee let the come dribble down out of his mouth. He was going to need it.
Dee had waited long enough. He was as hard as a rock and Ryo, sprawled bonelessly in bliss, brown hair tosseled and pale, supple body beautiful underneath him, was enough to drive him mad with desire.
"All mine," Dee whispered as he went to his knees and coated his cock in Ryo's come. Hooking Ryo's uninjured leg over his arm, he spread his lover as he used his free hand to lube Ryo's opening with the head of his wet cock. He prepped it by making shallow, rubbing motions. When he felt Ryo open to him, he cautiously pushed in, groaning with the feeling of heat wrapping around his erection.
"Good?" Dee gritted out as his pelvis came up hard against Ryo as he sheathed himself entirely.
Dee wondered if he could he pull out, stop, now, if Ryo said, no? If he said, forget it? If he said not-
"So good!" Ryo managed and his hands stroked gently along Dee's sides. "Love you."
Dee leaned in, rolling Ryo into position with both arms hook into Ryo's knees now, and not caring about his injured arm. He growled, nibbled and licked at Ryo's throat, kissed his lips, and delved his tongue deep inside Ryo's mouth as he began thrusting in an out.
Dee wanted quick, powerful, and hot. He wanted to take Ryo by storm and show the man how much he turned him on. He slapped against Ryo rapidly, plunging his thick cock in and out with abandon, yet every sense was alert for any protest, any murmur of pain. He didn't get any. They were well used to each other, and Ryo, as reluctant as he could be, sometimes, was well used to Dee taking him.
Dee exploded into his lover, growling like a beast and shuddering all over convulsively. He ground down as deeply as he could while Ryo held onto him tightly.
Dee collapsed, then, covering Ryo as he let Ryo's legs go. Ryo kept them wide, accepting Dee between them while his hands caressed down Dee's back and then touched his backside tentatively.
"You have road rash on you ass, Dee," Ryo discovered as if Dee had purposefully caused it to happen. It was part exasperation, part worry, and all Ryo.
"And you have my cock in yours," Dee replied crudely, smiling against Ryo's neck. "I think I just showed you that I'm fine."
"Really?" Ryo sounded skeptical even as he turned to kiss Dee's cheek. "I bet even being on your death bed wouldn't stop you from having sex."
"As long as it was with you, Ryo, I'd take that bet," Dee replied with a chuckle. He probably would, Dee thought. he loved the man too much to ever miss a chance to show him how much.