Disclaimer:I don't own them and I don't make any money off of this
Warning:Male/Male sex, graphic, violence, language
Fake After the Manga
Roses and Remembrances
"Detective?" Rose prompted as he stared at Ryo from behind his desk. Ryo was sitting in front of it and staring off into space. His loose curls were trailing down into his handsome face and his wistful, dark eyes were sad. Rose glanced at the calendar and then couldn't help saying, "By the way, I suppose congratulations are in order? It's your anniversary with Dee today, isn't it?"
Ryo started and blinked at the commissioner. "I'm sorry, sir... uh..." He blushed, caught flat footed. "Y-Yes, It is our anniversary. I- I'm surprised that you remembered, sir."
The big, blonde commissioner sank back into his chair and regarded Ryo. "I take it that Dee didn't remember it?" It was hard to look concerned when inwardly, Rose couldn't help smiling in triumph. He might have given up having Ryo for a conquest, but he still enjoyed pointing out that Ryo's choice of Dee had not been a wise one. Dee was forever helping him to do just that.
"I'm not sure..." Ryo blushed and looked uncomfortable as he collected himself with an effort and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir, this isn't the place. We were discussing the case... Wesson's motivation for killing the strip bar owner..."
"Of course," Rose smoothly agreed. As he listened to Ryo going over the case, recounting it in gruesome detail with intelligence and a matter of fact attitude, he had to wonder at the contrast. Here was a man to be reckoned with, one of his best detectives, yet he was sensitive, warm, and caring; he remembered anniversaries and he felt it when other people didn't. You're too good for that back street lug, Latener, Rose thought angrily. He, himself, would have sent Ryo roses and made dinner plans, he would have chilled the wine and lit the candles, he would have worn silk and... he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
"Sir?" Ryo said, seeing Rose's lack of attention.
"Continue," Rose ordered brusquely, pretending to make a note on the pad of paper in front of him.
Ryo blinked. "Sir, I was asking whether you thought that we should stake out the Wesson's home and try to pick up on some of his contacts?"
Rose shook his head. "The case isn't big enough for that. Check phone logs and try and find a connection in his bank accounts. Black mail/drugs/ prostitutes... all of them have to paid for somehow and they are all good motivations if the bar owner threatened to go public."
"Yes, sir," Ryo sounded almost annoyed.
He should be, Rose thought, kicking himself mentally, he had just outlined a course of action as if Ryo were a complete rookie. He let out a breath and pushed his glasses higher on his nose. "Sorry, Ryo, I guess my mind is elsewhere today. You know what to do. If any developments occur, keep me informed. I'll let you know when the search warrant for his business comes through."
"Yes, sir," Ryo stood up, knowing he was dismissed. "I am sorry that Dee wasn't here for the meeting. He did say that he had important case business that couldn't wait."
Rose scowled, doubting that explanation. He didn't consider Dee that diligent of an officer. "Next time, " he snapped, "he will call me directly and not have you make excuses for him."
"Yes, sir," Ryo replied He left, feeling as if he had just dodged a bullet and not sure why. When he returned to his desk and saw Dee sitting at his own desk across from it, folding a paper airplane and looking pleased with himself, Ryo shared some of Rose's frustration. "Did you get your 'case work' done?"
Dee's green eyes widened as he sat up and tossed his airplane at Dreig's desk. The man caught it without looking, crumpled it in one hand, and tossed it into a trash bin. "I WASN'T trying to get out of the meeting," Dee said defensively. "I did have business."
Ryo sat down and let the file he was holding slap onto the desk. He turned to his computer screen as if it were the most interesting thing in the room, and said icily, "I am your partner. Care to tell me what the 'business' was about?"
Dee was very quiet and then he said evasively, "I really didn't pan out. It was just a stupid hunch. What did you and Ape Man talk about?"
Ryo's dark eyes shifted to Dee. "Ape Man?"
Dee snorted. "Yeah, low forehead, long arms, hairy back..."
"I think you should stop now...," Ryo grumbled as he pretended to turn back to his work, but then he couldn't help asking, "Hairy back... how...?"
"Locker room shower," Dee snickered as he leaned over their desks and snagged Ryo's file. Sitting back down, he said, as he flipped through it, "Sorry for leaving you with him, but I really DID have business, okay? I'll make it up to you later."
"Promise?" Ryo replied, still irritated and a bit sarcastic.
"Yes," Dee grinned, "and you'll be sorry you treated me so
In the break room, heads were together over coffee and tea.
"Roses," Ilene guessed. "Big red ones. A dozen."
"Dinner for two," Charlotte argued. "He was out making dinner reservations, I bet."
"Both," Francine suggested excitedly, "and a romantic walk afterwards."
"He was buying a six pack of beer and some smokes," Harriet said sourly as she flipped through her magazine from where she sat on the worn couch. "He's a jerk, remember?"
Ryo nervously defended his lover, "He might seem like one sometimes, but, really, he can be very romantic."
"When?" Harriet snorted.
"Uhm....," Ryo tried to remember.
'You're going to be disappointed if you're expecting something," Harriet warned. "Men are all alike, gay or straight."
Ilene glared, "Don't listen to her, Ryo. I've seen Dee do some pretty sweet things. Why else would he make everything a big secret like that if he wasn't doing something for your anniversary?"
"Could be cheating on you, ever think of that?" Harriet snorted.
Ryo blinked at her bluntness, but Charlotte was glaring now too as she said, "She's just mad because her boyfriend took off on her. She's in 'Every man's an asshole', mode."
"Charlotte!" Ryo blushed and stood up. "I think I should be getting back to work.... if Dee hasn't planned anything... well, it's not like our marriage is conventional. He might not think that it needs an anniversary. I really can't blame him if-"
Ilene was glaring at him now. She stabbed a finger at him, "Look here, Ryo McLain! You have just as much right as anyone else to expect anniversaries, especially one as important as this one, to be celebrated. If Dee doesn't see it that way, then Harriet is right, he is a jerk!"
Ryo remembered when Dee had asked to marry him. The man had been so serious, so romantic in his need to show everyone their commitment to one another. It didn't follow that he would forget the anniversary of something so important to him, so important to them both. Ryo let out a breath and smiled. "He won't forget," he told them, very sure of that. "He may not have anything big planned, he might not give me anything but a beer, but he won't forget."
Harriet snorted. "I've seen baby lambs less naive."
Ilene squeezed Ryo's hand. "I know you're right, Ryo."
"Me too," Charlotte agreed.
"He better!" Francine warned with a glint in her eye.
Ryo smiled at them, blushing. "Thanks," he told them warmly. "I better get back to work."
When Ryo left the room, the women all looked at each other.
"Let's say we make SURE, the jerk doesn't forget?" Ilene suggested.
They nodded with conspiratorial glints in their eyes.
Harriet just shook her head sourly and turned a page of her magazine. "Good
luck," she grated sarcastically.
He was playing it very straight, Ryo thought, as they day wore on and Dee acted... well, like Dee. He researched, went to forensics twice, questioned a suspect, and attended a meeting later in the day. His only odd comment was, as he ate his lunch, "What the hell is wrong with those women today? They keep asking me about their boyfriends and what someone should get as a gift. How the hell should I know?"
Ryo found himself smiling at that, but a bit irritated too. They didn't know Dee like he did. The man wouldn't forget. He might act like a jerk sometimes, but he had a romantic heart deep down. When he was told to stay late to go over a report, though, Ryo wondered at Dee's shrug. The man didn't seem upset by it at all.
"Well," Ryo said uncertainly. "I guess you can go home and have dinner without me."
Dee put on his coat and loosened his tie. "Yeah, I think there is some pasta with my name on it from last night."
"Sure," Ryo agreed and then waited for Dee to say something, to leave him with some sign, or words of love, to reassure him.
Dee finished his cup of coffee, picked up his keys, and then said, with a small wave, "Later, baby," and walked out.
Ryo stared after him, feeling a bit hurt, despite himself. He tried not to think about how Dee wasn't very good at covering up his feelings, especially when they were strong ones, and that he should have seen something of what Dee was really feeling.
Later, sitting with Rose in the man's office, Ryo's mind wasn't on the case in front of them. Rose watched him and smiled inwardly, glad that he hadn't had to make an excuse to keep Ryo late. Dee had screwed up, that was clear, and Rose, despite his promise not to pursue Ryo any longer, couldn't help testing the waters. Ryo had slipped through his fingers the first time. If there was a chance at getting him on the rebound...
"I'm sorry that you had to stay late tonight, Ryo," Rose began. He was going to be the good guy, the considerate guy, the romantic, caring guy. Ryo would see the contrast and he would finally understand who was the better man, Rose thought. "Why don't I take you out to dinner, to make up for it? You must be starved. " For my affection Rose grinned to himself. "I know a little bistro, they have the most delicious food and their wine selection is excellent."
Rose waited expectantly. Ryo didn't say anything. He was staring at he folder in his lap, but not really looking at it. His thoughts were far away, with Dee, Rose thought irritably. Damn that man! Maybe it was time for some bluntness.
"He's forgotten, you realize?"
Ryo did look up then, blinking and then blushing. "I'm sorry, sir?"
"Dee," Rose persisted. "He's gone home to drink his beer and watch his football game. He will probably be sprawled out, drunk, on your couch when you get home. He won't even have a flower for you." He stood and moved around the desk to be closer to Ryo. He leaned over the man, getting very close and looking into the depths of those dark eyes. "Let me take you out. I swear, just as friends. You should have a good memory to take home with you. It might help when-"
Ryo stood, the folder gripped tight in his hands. He backed a step away. "Sir, I'm sorry, but I really must be getting home. I... appreciate your offer, though."
No, he didn't, Rose thought with a dark sigh. "Allright, detective," he replied gruffly and went back to sprawl in his chair. He waved dismissively. "You can go now."
Ryo nodded and he couldn't leave fast enough. Of all nights for Rose to try and get close to him again. Ryo wasn't as naive as he had once been, not about a lot of things. Rose thought that he could make advances because he could see me doubting Dee, Ryo thought, angry with himself. It was time to go home and prove that he was right about Dee, and that everyone else was wrong.
The women watched Ryo go and then looked at each other with sad expressions.
"Poor guy," Charlotte sighed.
Harriet gave them all a glare. "Told ya, didn't I? The man's a A- class jerk."
Ilene looked thoughtful. "I don't know," she said, "Somehow, I think everything's going to be okay."
Charlotte and Harriet both looked at her with wide eyes.
"Why do you think that?" Charlotte wanted to know.
Ilene smiled. "They've got something special, is all. You can tell by
the way they looked at each other. Maybe Dee did forget, but, I don't think
that will really matter. You don't give up on love like that because a goomba
forgets roses on your anniversary."
Ryo took a deep breath as he put his hand on the doorknob of their apartment
and put in the key. Whatever happened, whatever Dee had planned, or didn't have
planned, it would be okay. All the man had to do was say the words.... and he
would say them, Ryo was certain. The thought was what mattered, after all.
Ryo opened the door and stepped inside. He heard the football game first and saw Dee sprawled on the couch, with a beer, second. Ryo stopped in the doorway, frozen, the words of one of the women, and Rose, coming back to him... something about Dee sitting and watching the game...
"Hi, Ryo!" Dee called over the loud blare of the television. He burped, took another swig of beer, and scowled at whatever was going on in the game.
"Hi. Dee!" Ryo called back and began depositing the things in his pocket in the tray by the door. Finished with that, he hung up his coat, and then unstrapped his gun. Joining Dee, he asked, looking around, "Where's Bicky?"
"At a friend's house staying the night," Dee replied. "Don't worry. I made sure to do a background check."
Ryo scowled, knowing that Dee was making fun of his overprotective nature. He checked his gun to make sure that it was empty of bullets, checked that the safety was on, and then reholstered it, wrapping the harness around it. Holding it in one hand, he stood uncertainly, staring at Dee.
"Great game!" Dee told him.
Dee lit a cigarette, puffed with it stuck from one side of his mouth, and gestured at the screen with his beer can. "I'm winning so far. My guys are kicking ass!"
"Dee, you know you shouldn't smoke in the apartment!" Ryo complained as he loosened his tie with his free hand. As Dee snorted irritably and stabbed out his butt into the ashtray, Ryo moved to stand behind the couch. "Have a bet with someone?"
"Yeah," Dee replied. "With Rose."
Ryo started. "What?"
"He thinks I'm an idiot," Dee replied with a scowl. "It's always nice to take advantage of morons like that."
Ryo blinked and then sighed. Dee was wearing a white tank top and loose, black, jersey pants. His bare feet were on the coffee table. "You could lose," he told Dee. "You can't know for sure-"
"I do," Dee retorted. "I'm going to win."
Ryo sighed heavily. The game was hours from being over and Dee didn't look as if he was going to move any time soon. "I'm going to get myself something to eat and then go to bed," Ryo told him, hoping for a protest to that plan. Even sitting and watching the game, together on the couch, would have been all right with Ryo as a way to spend their anniversary. It was being together that mattered.
"Huh?" Dee grunted, glanced at him, and then went back to the game. He had a small frown, but he didn't say anything.
Ryo reached into his pocket and fingered the gift there. He almost took it out, almost pushed the issue, but then he sighed again and went into the kitchen. He hadn't realized how much he wanted Dee to remember, how much he wanted Dee to say the words without having his arm twisted.
Ryo made his tea and decided that he was slowly getting too upset to eat. When he heard Dee cheer for his team, that anger began to boil. When he carried his tea, and his gun, towards the bedroom, he paused, wanting to give Dee one last chance.
"Good night, love," Ryo said distinctly. "Hope your team wins."
Dee was frowning even more now, but his eyes were on the television still. Maybe the game wasn't going his way, Ryo thought, getting even angrier as he turned back to the bedroom and went through the door. He stopped dead in his tracks, mouth falling open.
The bed was scattered with red rose petals, white sheets and designer blankets folded down. The pillows were propped up, as if waiting. There was a single red rose on Ryo's pillow and a note card. Beside the bed, there was a tray of strawberries dipped in chocolate, Ryo's favorite. Another table held lit, pillar candles and a golden, silk robe, had been draped across the foot of the bed.
Swallowing hard, Ryo put his gun in the lock box and then slowly approached the bed. He reached out with a trembling hand and picked up the note card on the pillow. In gold lettering, it read, 'Don't always say it , but I love you. Tonight, I want to show you how much.'
Dee cleared his throat and Ryo blinked at tears as he turned and saw the man leaning in the doorway. "I didn't think you would forget," Dee said sadly. "Guess it means more to me, being together a year, than it does you."
Ryo suddenly understood what he'd been doing all day long. He'd been waiting for Dee to say something, as if Dee was obligated, as if they were husband and wife and Dee was the one who was supposed to give the flowers. "I guess..." Ryo choked, and tried again, overcome by guilt, "I guess I'm a moron, too, like Rose. I was waiting for you..."
Dee stood straight then, eyebrows inching up towards his disordered, dark hair. "Yeah?" Dee shook his head. "You know, I was kind of mad at those girls at the station. I wanted them to go remind you, but they were so sure I was the one who forgot."
Ryo nodded, ashamed, "I know. They... They told me. I told them that you wouldn't do that."
Dee eyed him, green eyes very serious. "Did you forget that on the way home?"
"No," Ryo admitted. "When you were watching the game... I..."
"I wanted you to say something," Dee told him irritably. "You always go on about me being a jerk, but you seem to think it's all up to me. You could have said something, all day long, but you didn't. I was pissed."
"I'm sorry." Ryo closed the space between them and took Dee into his embrace. His arms slid around Dee's slim waist and pulled him in tight. Head cushioned on Dee's shoulder, Ryo said, "Can I have another chance? I love you, Dee. Happy Anniversary." He dug in his pocket and pulled out his gift. He tentatively put it into Dee's hand.
Dee took it, opening it behind Ryo's back as he continued to let Ryo hold him. Dee awkwardly lifted the contents of the package so that he could see it. He grinned in delight. "Season tickets to the ball game? Man! You do love me!"
Ryo laughed and stepped back, still holding onto Dee. Dee looked him up and down. "What?" Ryo wanted to know, afraid that Dee was still angry.
"You aren't dressed right for this," Dee told him jokingly. He pointed to the robe. "Slip into something more comfortable?"
Ryo smiled and traced the line of Dee's jaw. "We just had a talk about me expecting you to do all the romancing. Why don't you slip it on?"
Dee snorted. "Me?" He actually blushed and then said, "What the hell, why not?"
Dee flipped off his tank top and dropped his pants. Ryo watched Dee's masculine backside as he picked up the robe and slipped it on. The gold cloth shimmered, complimenting Dee's dark, good looks. Turning, Dee held out his arms, modeling.
"You like?" Dee asked Ryo huskily.
Ryo smiled as he came towards Dee, pulling off his own clothes. "I like... very much."
They both climbed onto the bed and Ryo found scented lube, a few feathers, and cinnamon body oil waiting for them. Ryo looked suspiciously at all the items. "You didn't think of this by yourself?"
Dee looked offended. "Why do you think I didn't?"
Ryo snorted, "Because, I know you."
Dee laughed, "Okay, okay, busted. I did a bit of research, asked around, took some notes. I'm a good detective remember? Preparation and research is what it's all about. You want romance, I deliver."
Ryo dared, "And you want.... sex, right?" as he gently opened Dee's robe and saw his rock hard erection. He stroked it with a long fingered hand. "I think I can 'deliver' too."
"Well," Dee choked. "If you want to?"
Ryo almost purred, "Yes, I do."
"Thank God for that!" Dee moaned and claimed Ryo's lips with his own.
They took their time. Dee was always so forceful when it came to sex, his need strong and demanding an outlet. This time, he reined it in, kept it in check as he rubbed Ryo's skin with the oil, let Ryo tease him with the feathers until he begged the man to stop, and fed his lover the strawberries, loving the way Ryo's lips closed around the fruit and the way he chewed in a very sexy manner, eyes sparkling. Then Dee couldn't hold back any longer.
"Uhm, is it okay if we... you know," Dee said hopefully.
"That's the best part," Ryo murmured against Dee's throat as Dee leaned down over him and rubbed their erections together.
Finally using the lube, feeling the thrill of preparing Ryo, watching Ryo's eyes roll back in his head, his breath come in pants, and his erotic moans fill the bedroom, Dee could hardly wait to take his throbbing cock and push into the tight sheath of his lover. They both cried out at the sensation and Ryo opened himself completely, legs lifting up to angle himself as Dee began thrusting in and out of his heat.
Dee, looking down, seeing Ryo lost to pleasure, his gold hair spilling over his handsome, flushed face, his dark eyes full of passion, and the gold robe splayed out beneath him, he felt like the luckiest man on Earth. "I'd marry you again," he gasped to his love between thrusts. "A hundred times... a thousand times... You're the best thing ...that ever... happened... to me."
Ryo's eyes focused on Dee and Ryo smiled. It was like sunshine, beautiful, bright, and all for Dee. "Love you, Dee..., Forever."
"Yeah," Dee breathed. "Forever, baby," but then he snorted. "But not like this... I can't keep this up forever. You gotta come... together... okay?"
"Together," Ryo replied, determined to try.
Dee wrapped a hand around Ryo's erection. He angled Ryo even more, curling him up underneath him and managing to push in deeper. Ryo groaned, beyond speech, beyond thought, just feeling as Dee fisted him and pumped rapidly in and out of his body. He held back, biting his lip, feeling the strain, wanting... knowing he couldn't last much longer.
When the pleasure reached it's pinnacle, Dee groaned, "Now, baby! Now!"
They came together, both of them crying out and spasming as Dee shot his hot load into his lover and Ryo spurted across both their bellies. Spent, they collapsed, sweaty bodies tangling together as they tried to catch their breaths.
Ryo nuzzled Dee's neck and curled against him, smiling languidly. "Guess you didn't get to see your football game."
Dee grunted and frowned, unable to think." Wha-?"
"You said you had a bet with Rose," Ryo said as he traced the light hair at the center of Dee's chest with a finger. "You don't know if you won or not."
Dee snorted and hooked Ryo closer to him with a strong arm. "We didn't
make a bet on the damned game, Ryo," he chuckled evilly. "It was about
Ryo went wide eyed and blushed, "What?!"
Dee snickered as he kissed the top of Ryo's honey brown hair. "He bet me I would screw up today, though he didn't say screw up what. I took his bet. He thought I'd forgotten, too."
Ryo went contrite. "I really am sorry, Dee. I didn't doubt you.... until..."
Dee sighed. "I guess I did push it too far. I probably would have got pissed too, but I really expected you to say... something. You're the guy who's good with words, right?"
Ryo spread his fingers over Dee's heart and felt his pulse, sure and strong. "I was so busy wanting you to prove your love... that I didn't bother proving mine."
"We both fixed it, though," Dee said dismissively and stretched out, hands above his head as he grinned. "Course, you can make it up to me a few more times... we do have all night."
Ryo snorted and gave Dee's half hard erection a very gentle slap. "Me? It goes both ways, Dee." He paused, becoming suddenly serious. "I won't forget that again."
"Neither will I," Dee promised. He caressed Ryo's cheek, lifted his chin up, and kissed him deeply. They had all night, he thought, their first anniversary; roses, remembrances, and now, a new understanding...
The End
see Kracken's original, published yaoi fiction, The Angel Within, at
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