Ring of Fire:Chapter Four:Place

by Kracken



Disclaimer:I don't own them and I don't make any money off of them.
Warning:Male/male sex, graphic, language, violence.

Full Metal Alchemist
Ring of Fire


It was not something that he could share with Al, Edward decided, this new revelation about himself. His brother would always be too young to discuss such matters with him. It was much better to let Al think that he was simply attempting to make peace with Mustang, even though Edward couldn't support that image with any demonstration.

They would be going to Creta within several weeks and Mustang, concerned for Edward, had given him reduced duty after the accident. Edward had planned to spend some of that time in Mustang's company, to explore his new knowledge of himself. Mustang, however seemed to be avoiding him, making certain that they never met again, even on the practice ground.

Edward should have been glad, but, instead, he became more and more frustrated. He could blame the man, easily, for showing him a side of himself that he truly didn't want to know about. He needed to stay focused on their search for the Philosopher's stone, on a cure for Al. The last thing that Edward needed was for his body and his heart to interfere with that goal. Perhaps he needed to put it to rest by confronting it? By... satisfying it?

Edward, walking across the grounds of Headquarters, blushed red and hunched into his coat at the thought. He'd seen the other men and women fumbling in dark corners, laughing and making dates, and smiling their smiles afterward. He knew that none of them were celibate. He tried to remember any of the men that might have expressed an interest in him, an interest that he hadn't understood at the time, but understood very well now. He thought there might be several, but trying to form an image of any of them... with him... made his thoughts curl up in a dark place in his mind and whimper. He supposed that he wasn't casual, wasn't free and easy like so many of his comrades when it came to... sex. That embarrassed him more, the thought that he was particular and emotional about such things like a girl. In his limited experience, men were proud about numbering their conquests and were always eager for more. Perhaps that attitude was different when the conquest was another man?

"I can't be thinking this!" Edward growled under his breath and slammed his good hand into his metal one. The pain didn't help to make his thoughts, his desires, any clearer. Mustang, he felt, had it right. By avoiding him, they didn't have to address this problem at all. Unfortunately, that avoidance didn't cause it to go away, and it made it very clear to Edward that Mustang desired him as well and was, perhaps, just as conflicted about it as himself. Their difference in ages, Mustang's position, the ban against such fraternization, made it madness to pursue. Yet that only made it that much more... desirable. That was hardest to admit, that he did, actually, desire Mustang, the man that he thought that he had hated.

Edward wondered if that hatred hadn't sprung from his throttled desires? He had other causes, undeniable instances where Mustang had used and thwarted him, but that was the military. Edward might as well curse a leopard for having spots. No, this tension, this buried desire, might have been the root of his anger at the man all along.

The requisitions officer was standing with a clipboard and going over a mound of new supplies. Edward began to automatically move around him, but then he heard the man say, "All the things on this list are to be kept packed and set aside for Lt. Colonel Mustang. He will be going to Creta very soon with a small troop of men."

"Yes, sir," a soldier replied, saluted smartly, and took the clipboard.

Edward felt a chill go up his spine. Mustang was going with him? Anger stirred side by side with a bastard mix of anticipation and nervousness. He wasn't a child. He didn't need to have Mustang come along and hold his hand, but, in the confines of the small transports, in the small inns and byway rest stops, Mustang couldn't avoid him any longer. The thought of taking that long journey, feeling the tension, the uncertainty, and the frustrated desires he was experiencing now, made up Edward's mind more than anything else. It pushed past his embarrassment, his shame, and, yes, his fear, and caused him stride across the compound to Mustang's office.

This needed to be settled, Edward thought determinedly. They had to come to terms, form some sort of resolution, or agreement, before they ever set foot on a transport. In dangerous territory, and on a mission to save Al's humanity, this couldn't be between them. It didn't occur to Edward to simply try to dissuade the man from coming. He knew better than that. Where stubbornness was concerned, they were both cut from the same cloth.

"Full Metal?"

Edward tensed and slowly turned. First Lt. Colonel Thompson strode up to him and looked down his long height at Edward. He put a hand on Edward's shoulder and it was like a vise as the man steered him by it to a corner of a building where the shadows from a tree hid them.

"We had an agreement," Thompson hissed. "You are not fulfilling it."

Edward pulled away from the man's grip and rubbed at his shoulder, scowling, gold eyes hot and a clear warning. "I've changed my mind," he growled.

Thompson raised an eyebrow. He leaned over Edward, but was surprised when Edward wasn't intimidated. Edward continued to glare as Thompson said, "There isn't a way out now, Full Metal. You are committed. Stand with us or fall with Mustang."

"Then I shall fall," Edward replied with a chill in his voice. "I may be a dog of the military, but I don't heel for people like you."

Thompson narrowed eyes and then he said as he took hold of Edward's chin with forceful fingers, "Everyone heels for me, little bitch, and so will you."

Edward jerked away, nostrils flaring and fists clenched. What a fool he'd been to even listen to a man like Thompson, he thought. How desperate. Edward had a large dose of contempt for himself at that moment. It's only cure was to finally do what he knew had been the right thing all along."I refuse to deal with you and your scheme any longer. Threaten all you like, but I have my defenses, Lt. Colonel Thompson, don't forget that."

Edward shoved past the larger man and continued towards Mustang's office, a small part of him trembling, but most of him feeling more grounded and more sure of himself than he had since the entire thing had begun.

"Put these on!" Mustang tossed a pair of running pants and a shirt at Edward as he approached his office door. Mustang was already dressed in the same clothing.

"Sir?" Edward growled at as he caught the clothing. "I needed to speak with you."

"You can talk while we run," Mustang told him curtly.

"R-run?" Edward stammered, incredulous.

"Exercise is good for working off tension," Mustang explained. "Use my office to change."

Edward closed the door behind him and reluctantly began to change. He could hear Mustang tell his subordinates, "I wish absolute privacy. No one is to enter the north track."

"Yes, sir," someone replied and then Edward was coming out in his running pants and shirt, tugging at his pants where it had snagged on the metal of his leg. He scowled hotly at Mustang, suspecting some joke at his expense.

Mustang looked very serious, though, as he ordered, "This way Full Metal, I've noticed that you haven't been running the courses with the other men."

Other men? Edward caught the stress on that and wondered at it. Was Mustang acknowledging his maturity at last? He doubted it and frowned suspiciously as he followed Mustang out of HQ and onto a wooded running track. Mustang began to run at once. Edward swore and ran to catch up. He often worked out with Al, but Mustang was right that he hadn't been doing any of the formal courses.

The forest was quiet. The rhythmic crunch of leaves and forest debris under their feet seemed loud. Mustang ran the course easily and Edward was annoyed when he began breathing hard first. Finally, he protested.

"I wanted to speak with you!" he panted. "Can we rest?"

"Almost there!" Mustang shouted back, and wouldn't elaborate as he took a rise of ground without slowing.

Almost where? Edward wondered. They weren't near the end of the course. He knew that it emptied out at the bottom of the hill and they were barely at the top. The forest grew thicker. If he stepped off the track, he could imagine himself getting lost in the thick undergrowth and large trunks. Even a few steps from the path and no one would be able to see him.

Mustang suddenly snagged him around the waist and did that very thing, pulled him off of the track and into a deep alcove of trees. Startled, Edward gave only a brief resistence until he saw the small over grown gazebo. It was bare bones, probably made for some commander to give a lecture to exercising troops.

Edward gratefully sank down onto a wooden seat, panting, as Mustang settled next to him. The man was breathing evenly and Edward thought that he could truly hate the man.

"A good place to talk?" Mustang asked. "Far from prying eyes?"

Edward nodded and then became tongue tied. He had been so sure of what he wanted to say. Faced with Mustang, though, and he began to doubt. What if he was wrong and everything was only in his imagination?

Mustang looked amused, his eyes twinkling and his lips curved in a small smile, and then he leaned forward and delicately kissed Edward on the lips. It was brief, tentative. When he leaned back again, his eyes searched Edward's.

"So....?" Mustang wondered.

Edward took in a shuddering breath, not realizing that he had stopped breathing. "I..." He was being asked permission. Mustang wasn't going to go a step further without it. This was it, acknowledge what was between them, acknowledge what was inside him, his desires, or deny it all and draw a line between them. He thought briefly of Al, and felt a flush of shame, but then he was leaning forward as if drawn against his will, and kissing Mustang... no... Roy, back with the same, light touch.

When Edward broke the kiss, he shyly met Roy's eyes and saw warmth there, but Roy's next words were very serious. "This is against all the rules. If we are discovered, there could be serious consequences. I have enemies. They are always watching, waiting like a pack of dogs to drag me down if I should make a mistake. I won't be able to save you if this happens. You'll go down with me."

Edward considered that, considered how he had been trying to help that very pack of dogs. He ducked his head in shame. Roy grabbed his chin and brought his head back up.

"It's all right," Roy said, misunderstanding, "to be angry, to be afraid, and to not want this. You can continue the run, if you like, and we'll talk about this later. I want you to be very sure."

Edward grimaced. "Later? When we are on the transport and going to Creta?"

"It is necessary that I go," Roy told him firmly. "I was given my orders to go and review the situation."

"Then you're not..." Edward felt his anger flounder without a target.

"No, I am not purposefully interfering with your journey, but it will make things easier for you if I do go with you," Roy told him and then looked irritated. "Edward, you must let go of your anger and your belief that everyone is working against you. Sometimes, a direct approach is not always best. You must learn patience and to trust the judgement of people who are older and wiser than you.."

"Again you treat me like a foolish child!" Edward exploded, fists clenched and eyes furious. "Waiting is not always the wise thing to do!"

"No?" Roy leaned very close. "Shall we not wait, then? Shall we rush forward against all common sense? Do you think that you are ready?"

Edward began to pant and it had nothing to do with the run. Roy's hands went to the waistband of his running pants. A simple tug down and... Edward swallowed hard. He wasn't a child. He wanted like a man. He would show Roy that he wasn't a coward, a girl, to simper over what should be wanted and accepted easily. He lifted his hips. Roy raised startled eyebrows and then his face hardened.

"Edward Elric," Roy said, "You are being-"

"If you're not ready..." Edward taunted, gold eyes glaring, daring the man.

Edward didn't know what he was asking for, wasn't sure what he should do or what Roy might do, but Edward wanted to prove himself. When Roy peeled down his pants and revealed his naked skin, it was obvious that Edward wasn't as ready as his words implied.

"Do you want to be a man?" Roy asked, but he didn't sound annoyed now. He sounded pushed past his limit of will power.

Edward was tense in every muscle. No! His mind said, but his lips were saying very softly. "Yes."

Roy bent over then and Edward felt the man suck him into his moist, hot, tight mouth.

Edward gasped and bent over Roy's back, grasping at him with metal and flesh hands. He must have hurt the man, but Roy didn't react except to begin a slow sucking, up and down, motion. Edward gasped again and shuddered as his body eagerly reacted.

"Ungh!" Edward said when he had meant to say stop. Nothing would come out that was intelligible. His body didn't want to stop. It didn't know any shame.

A light rain began to fall and thunder rolled in the distance. The droplets made a drumming sound on the roof of the gazebo and a cool air, generated by the approaching storm, stroked over Edward's hot skin. He groaned and gripped at Roy even tighter, but the man was letting him go and straightening. Edward looked at him dazed. He had what he wanted. Roy had stopped... only.

"I- Is there more?" Edward managed to ask, aching, needing, and hated his shyness, his uncertainty. He didn't want to show this side of himself to Roy.

Roy's hands smoothed along Edward's hips and he replied. "Yes, if you're willing."

He was reluctant, Edward could see it. He wanted to stop as well, but they both knew that they had crossed that line and that there was no redrawing it again.

"More," Edward said simply and knew that it wasn't going to be simple at all.

Roy nodded and then Edward watched him pull down at his own running pants. His erection sprang up, hard and thick, and weeping . Hair dusted him below his naval, as dark as his hair, and he was very masculine in a way that excited Edward. He imagined himself taking Roy into his own mouth and felt an eagerness that surprised him. Roy didn't ask for that, though. Instead, he took something from his pocket. Edward narrowed eyes and tried to read the small print.

"Lip balm," Roy explained apologetically, "But it will suffice if we are both careful."

Careful. That alerted Edward that there might be danger, or maybe pain. He shivered nervously, but his eyes didn't leave Roy's length. Something inside of him wanted this very badly, even though he wasn't sure what it was he really wanted.

Roy coated the fingers of one hand with the lip balm and then he pulled Edward forward until he was straddling his lap, yet propped up on his hands and almost laying down on the bench at the same time. Those coated fingers found Edward's entrance.

No, he couldn't do this! Edward began to protest, began to pull away, but the touch of those cool fingers made him freeze. It felt... Roy began to tease him, massage him, and scratch ever so lightly. He delved inward to very sensitive nerves, nerves that welcomed the intrusion. There wasn't any pain, only an acute pleasure that had Edward squirming, gasping, and wanting more.

He opened to Roy's fingers and they worked their way deeply inside of him. It was strange, an intrusion, but his body, that Edward now considered as loose in it's morals as a city slut, was arching into those fingers and moving on them.

The thick fingers slid out suddenly and strong hands pulled Edward higher. The new, blunt intrusion, was harder to take. Edward squirmed in earnest now, trepidation almost undoing all of Roy's preparation, but Roy held him firmly and steadily entered him.

Sheathed completely, Roy moved , folding Edward backwards and rolling him so that Roy was on top, buried deep into his tightness. Strong arms hooked under Edward's knees and hands braced on either side of him, as Roy began to thoroughly take him.

It was endurance, acceptance; a state of mind where Edward had to allow Roy to use him as a tight place to bury his pleasure, but there was pleasure for him as well, a stroking of sensitive nerves that had his senses reeling and his mind wanting Roy to go deeper, to move faster, to rub in and out of him and satisfy that need for more.

Edward exploded in orgasm, unable to endure it any longer. Choking and crying out, he had never experienced anything so intense. Roy was shouting and thrusting in hard then, not a moment later, and Edward felt a wetness escape out of him that was very warm as it trailed along the crack of his ass.

They lay together then, panting hard, as they rain began to fall in earnest, a solid sheet of white all around them.

Roy didn't ask if he was all right. He moved back at last and his hand trailed over Edward's sweating body. Edward shivered and sat up as well. He felt weak, empty, but not sorry, not as if he had done something he shouldn't. There was a satisfaction in him, instead. A scratch that had finally been itched. He ached, but it was a good ache and he found a smile.

Roy laughed, then, reached out, took hold of Edward's chin, and kissed him softly on the lips.

"You are..." Roy searched for the words as his eyes gazed warmly into Edward's. "... amazing." He scooted until he was propped in a corner and then he reached back and pulled Edward until he was laying against him. Draping their clothes over them both, they sat and watched the rain, both of them content.

see Kracken's original, published yaoi fiction, The Angel Within, at amazon.com under Kracken
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